
Mr Opperman's statement is patternatically, such as Nama Xami = lion, and for 'face' cf. Kx'eib (Wuras) or Xaib (Engelbrecht), both in Kora (details in Hott 276) corresponding to the -caip or -cip of the place name. In Nama, 'face' is develarized to (spelling Rust 1960 DNW 27) (-) claim. GAMCAIP = Leezish. The local tradition, however, explains it differently, as per the owner (to us. In Old Cape, 'mouth' Kam- (Hott 392), in Nama is develarized to (-) Am-, and the -caip is according to this as Nama khoe-b = man, therefore literally 'mouthmen'; Linguistically, it is accountable and naming is then explained by Mr Brand. Probably his statement also earned earnings, reasoning on a tradition that would be old. The agreement that will have a 'rock' there with a lion's 'face' is then or primer or coincidental.

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K 2820 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Veillet S.J. Map 'Gamcaip Prov.', And Region 'Taragonous and Gamcaip'. Opperman 1945 TVV L 109 'Gamcaip, leech; There is a rock showing the shape of a lion's head ... 'Van Vreden 1961 Origin 299' Gamceip ... Nama Xami, Lion; ceip = ge, look / peek; Ib, shape / shape. If a lion looks (peep) his face is seen der. of Augrabies, Dist. Kenhardt. Means 'human mouth', drinking water for the mouth alone when they are away from the river '.
afr Veillet s.j. kaart 'Gamcaip Spr.', en streek 'Taragonous and Gamcaip'. Opperman 1945 TVV l 109 'Gamcaip, leeugesig; daar is ’n rots wat die gedaante van ’n leeu se kop vertoon...' Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 299 'Gamceip...Nama xami, leeu; ceip = ge, kyk/loer; ib, vorm/gestalte. As ’n leeu kyk (loer) word sy gesig gesien derh.. Gamceip — gestalte van ’n leeu wat loer...' [Taalkundig tog seker ’n grapǃ] Brand PAl 1973 landbouer Vraelys 'Gamcaip, plaas, 40 km wes van Augrabies, dist. Kenhardt. Beteken ‘Mensmond’, drinkwater vir die mond alleen as hulle weg is van die rivier'.
eng Mr Opperman's statement is patternatically, such as Nama Xami = lion, and for 'face' cf. Kx'eib (Wuras) or Xaib (Engelbrecht), both in Kora (details in Hott 276) corresponding to the -caip or -cip of the place name. In Nama, 'face' is develarized to (spelling Rust 1960 DNW 27) (-) claim. GAMCAIP = Leezish. The local tradition, however, explains it differently, as per the owner (to us. In Old Cape, 'mouth' Kam- (Hott 392), in Nama is develarized to (-) Am-, and the -caip is according to this as Nama khoe-b = man, therefore literally 'mouthmen'; Linguistically, it is accountable and naming is then explained by Mr Brand. Probably his statement also earned earnings, reasoning on a tradition that would be old. The agreement that will have a 'rock' there with a lion's 'face' is then or primer or coincidental.
afr Mnr Opperman se verklaring is patroonmatig, soos Nama xami = leeu, en vir 'gesig' vgl. kx’eib (Wuras) of xaib (Engelbrecht), albei in Kora (besonderhede in HOTT 276) wat ooreenstem met die -caip of -ceip van die pleknaam. In Nama is 'gesig' gedevelariseer tot (spelling Rust 1960 DNW 27) (-)eis. Gamcaip = leeugesig. Die plaaslike tradisie verklaar dit egter anders, soos per die eienaar (na ons meen). In Ou-Kaaps is 'mond' kam- (HOTT 392), in Nama gedevelariseer tot (-)am-, en die -caip is hiervolgens soos Nama khoe-b = mens, dus letterlik 'Mondmens'; taalkundig is dit tog verantwoordbaar en naamkundig is dit dan soos deur mnr Brand verduidelik. Waarskynlik het sy verklaring ook verdienste, berustende op ’n oorlewering wat oud sal wees. Die ooreenkoms wat ’n 'rots' daar met ’n leeu se 'gesig' sal he, is dan of primer of toevallig.
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