
The how comma before the C- is meant as a suction flaster, the how comma before the -A of -am is a syllable divider. We know that the name 'cool4 - (-)' means, according to communication of Mr WA citizen of Ken- hardt ('caraman = place where cool is found ...', cf. th a ** 647). 'Cool' in Nama today, however, without a suction patch (Krande- Lein 1889 Worschatz 74 at 'KTIHL' Nama Gara, and at Krenz FK 1979 Farmer Note 'Gara = afternoon cool'). Otherwise, it is completely beating. The lock part is determined as Nama Am- = 'Mund ... Mtindung' (Rust 1960 DNW 43), here for a water-bearing opening such as a pool, pit, source etc. The interval-mom is likely to be regarded as a locative element. So about 'cool pool / mouth', apparently with regard to water ('mouth'). The old spelling (from the pen of an English speaking, as it turned out) was preserved for the registration of the farm. The farm lies in the district of Kenhardt, western of the Augrabies

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2819 DB/2820 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Census card 1891 'Cara Ma'am'. The same on other cards afterwards, but S.A. series 1972 Skin 2820 CA gives the homestead on farm 'Cara Ma'am' No. 74 as 'caramaam'.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 '’Cara Ma'am'. Dieselfde op ander kaarte daarna, maar S.A.-reeks 1972 vel 2820 CA gee die opstal op plaas 'Cara Ma’am' nr 74 aan as 'Karamaam'.
eng The how comma before the C- is meant as a suction flaster, the how comma before the -A of -am is a syllable divider. We know that the name 'cool4 - (-)' means, according to communication of Mr WA citizen of Ken- hardt ('caraman = place where cool is found ...', cf. th a ** 647). 'Cool' in Nama today, however, without a suction patch (Krande- Lein 1889 Worschatz 74 at 'KTIHL' Nama Gara, and at Krenz FK 1979 Farmer Note 'Gara = afternoon cool'). Otherwise, it is completely beating. The lock part is determined as Nama Am- = 'Mund ... Mtindung' (Rust 1960 DNW 43), here for a water-bearing opening such as a pool, pit, source etc. The interval-mom is likely to be regarded as a locative element. So about 'cool pool / mouth', apparently with regard to water ('mouth'). The old spelling (from the pen of an English speaking, as it turned out) was preserved for the registration of the farm. The farm lies in the district of Kenhardt, western of the Augrabies
afr Die hoe komma voor die C- is wel bedoel as n suigklap, die hoe komma voor die -a- van -am is 'n lettergreepverdeler. Ons weet dat die naam 'Koel4-(—)' beteken, volgens mededeling van mnr WA Burger van Ken- hardt ('Karamaan = Plek waar koelte te vinde is...', vgl. TH A** 647). 'Koel' is in Nama van vandag egter sonder ’n suigklap vooraan (Kroen- lein 1889 Wortschatz 74 by 'ktihl' Nama gara, en by Krenz FK 1979 Boer Aantekening 'gara = namiddag-koelte'). Origens klop dit volkome. Die slotdeel -am is bepaald soos Nama am- = 'Mund...Mtindung' (Rust 1960 DNW 43), hier vir 'n waterhoudende opening soos 'n poel, kuil, bron ens. Die tussenstuk -ma- is waarskynlik te beskou as 'n lokatiewe element. So ongeveer dan 'Koelpoel/-mond', klaarblyklik met betrekking tot die water ('mond'). Die ou spelling (uit die pen van 'n Engelssprekende, soos dit blyk) is vir die registrasie van die plaas behoue gebly. Die plaas le in die distrik van Kenhardt, westelik van die Augrabies
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