Geinab, Soos Gaiab.

Brink's saying heard the first of the river (1761), mentioned under the Afrikaans NAME of Traai River; Gordon unbundled the confusion that originated. There are other exchange points of the old name, so Kikaap, today Geinab, literally 'Groot River', but not the Orange River. There is another problem with the translation. At Gordon, Tindall and Hahn (seems spellings) and Mossop there is no doubt whatsoever. It means 'Groot River', K gaib 2718 ... But now Alexander 1836 gives the same river as Keikap, al. Equality in Name (eg with Gordon's Keicap) and in location (compare Alexander's card with the in VRV 28 at the back) is indisputable, there can be no doubt whatsoever. And yet Alexander declares the same river name as 'Witch R.' Under the basis of this Le Namaǃ Gei-B = 'Zaubermittel' (Rust 1960 DNW 75), PLUR. Comm. ǃ Gei-n. Keikeap can therefore be equally associated with Geiǃ (K) ab = 'Groot River' as withǃ Gei -ǃ (K) ab = 'hex ) AB, which cannot be done with Geiǃ (k) Ab = Groot River Well, then 'Witch River' or 'Wyena River', if not, then 'Groot River'. We believe there is a better and also on topographical and hydrological grounds to make a better cause for Alexander's By seizure by the Frequentry '

About this item

Geinab, Soos Gaiab.
Alternative Title
Geinab, Soos Gaiab.
Georeference Sources
S 2819 DA
soos GAIAB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
by punt Van instroming
eng Gordon 1779 ms 2 22 '... Ready from Evening The Keicaap or Large River so shuns he doesn't run as with Thunder'. Ibid, on sy card AG 7146 [any demonstration that Kaikaap in turning river flow and turning river on synthet water in that orange river to that Noordower] 'Kaikaap, meaning in the Hottentots Groote River. This name has misleaded the togtgoers and the Landmooner Brink, they have not been here, because of the name the great river or Garieb, uyt the north to see ... running not like by Sawarse Regens '. Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 140 'Wir Kamen Nun Liber Kaikoap ... WO BR. Kleinschmidt Uns grades comb '. Tindall H 1856 Two Lectures 16 'from the Xgharas Range ... Rises ... The Kei Qaap ... WHICH RUNS South And Falls Into The QGariep ...' [XGharas = ǀǀ Gharas; Qaap =ǃ Aab; Qgariep = Igariep.] Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni ǀǀ Goam 87 'This Was Among Theǃ Gami-╪nus, On The Banks Of the Geiǃ Ab River ...' Mossop 1944 by Mentzel 1787 VRV 25 139 '.. .the turn R. is The Gei-Nab, IE Kei-Lab Or Great R. (Kei = Great, Lab = River). The Geinab Flows S.E. From The GT. Karas Mountains to Join the Orange '. Ibid. Mossop 1947 Brink and Rhenius VRV 28 Map Agterin 'Geinab or Keikap (Gei-lab = Great R.), The Talij R. of Brink's Journal'.
afr Gordon 1779 ms 2 22 '...peilde van avond de Keicaap of grote rivier dus genaamt schoon hy niet loopt als met donder weer'. Ibid, op sy kaart AG 7146 [wat aantoon dat Kaikaap in Draaijrivier vloei en Draairivier op sy beurt uitwater in die Oranjerivier aan die noordoewer] 'Kaikaap, beteekend in het Hottentots groote rivier. Deze naam heeft de togtgangers en de landmeeter Brink misleidt doordien zij hier niet geweest zynde, door dese naam de Groote Rivier of Garieb, uyt den Noorden hebben gesteld te koomen...loopende niet als by swaare regens'. Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 140 'Wir kamen nun liber Kaikoap...wo Br. Kleinschmidt uns entgegenkam'. Tindall H 1856 Two lectures 16 'From the Xgharas range...rises...the Kei Qaap...which runs south and falls into the Qgariep...' [Xgharas = ǀǀGharas; Qaap = ǃaab; Qgariep = IGariep.] Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni-ǀǀGoam 87 'This was among the ǃGami-╪nus, on the banks of the Gei-ǃab river...' Mossop 1944 by Mentzel 1787 VRV 25 139 '...the Draai R. is the Gei-nab, i.e. Kei-lab or Great R. (Kei = great, lab = river). The Geinab flows S.E. from the Gt. Karas mountains to join the Orange'. Ibid. Mossop 1947 Brink en Rhenius VRV 28 kaart agterin 'Geinab or Keikap (Gei-lab = Great R.), the Draaij R. of Brink’s Journal'.
eng Brink's saying heard the first of the river (1761), mentioned under the Afrikaans NAME of Traai River; Gordon unbundled the confusion that originated. There are other exchange points of the old name, so Kikaap, today Geinab, literally 'Groot River', but not the Orange River. There is another problem with the translation. At Gordon, Tindall and Hahn (seems spellings) and Mossop there is no doubt whatsoever. It means 'Groot River', K gaib 2718 ... But now Alexander 1836 gives the same river as Keikap, al. Equality in Name (eg with Gordon's Keicap) and in location (compare Alexander's card with the in VRV 28 at the back) is indisputable, there can be no doubt whatsoever. And yet Alexander declares the same river name as 'Witch R.' Under the basis of this Le Namaǃ Gei-B = 'Zaubermittel' (Rust 1960 DNW 75), PLUR. Comm. ǃ Gei-n. Keikeap can therefore be equally associated with Geiǃ (K) ab = 'Groot River' as withǃ Gei -ǃ (K) ab = 'hex ) AB, which cannot be done with Geiǃ (k) Ab = Groot River Well, then 'Witch River' or 'Wyena River', if not, then 'Groot River'. We believe there is a better and also on topographical and hydrological grounds to make a better cause for Alexander's By seizure by the Frequentry '
afr Brink se gesêlskap het die eerste van die rivier gehoor (1761), vermeld onder die Afrikaanse naam van Draairivier; Gordon ontknoop die verwarring wat ontstaan het. Daar is ander wisselspellings van die ou naam, so Kuikaap, vandag Geinab, letterlik 'Grootrivier', maar nie die Oranjerivier nie. Daar is nog ’n probleem met die vertaling. By Gordon, Tindall en Hahn (blykens spellings) en Mossop is daar hoegenaamd geen twyfel nie. Dit beteken 'Grootrivier', k GAIAB 2718... Maar nou gee Alexander 1836 dieselfde rivier aan as KEIKAP, alwaar. Gelykheid in naam (bv. met Gordon se Keicaap) en in ligging (vergelyk Alexander se kaart met die in VRV 28 agterin) is onbetwisbaar, daar kan hoegenaamd geen twyfel hieroor bestaan nie. En tog verklaar Alexander dieselfde riviernaam as 'Witch R.' Ten grondslag hieraan le Nama ǃgei-b = 'Zaubermittel' (Rust 1960 DNW 75), plur. comm. ǃgei-n. Keikaap kan dus ewe goed vereenselwig word met Gei-ǃ(k)ab = 'Grootrivier' as met ǃGei-ǃ(k)ab = 'Heksrivier'. En GEINAB kan sonder trues vereenselwig word met ǃGei-n-ǃ(k)ab, wat nie met Gei-ǃ(k)ab = Grootrivier gedoen kan word nie. Bowendien hinder die gedagte aan 'Grootrivier' by ’n droë sandloop. Kernvraag is of daar oorspronklik ’n anlautende suigkonsonant by die eerste komponent was; indien wel, dan 'Heksrivier' of 'Towenaarsrivier', indien nie, dan 'Grootrivier'. Ons meen daar is op logiese en ook op topografiese en hidrologiese gronde 'n beter saak vir Alexander se afleiding uit te maak as vir die van die ander wat deur die frekwenter 'gei' in beslag geneem is. Toevallig het Heks- of Towenaarsrivier ’n poetiese allure wanneer stortreens genadiglik in ’n seldsame jaar wel uit- sak.
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