
This name apparently completely disappeared into his Khoekhoense, but he continues in his Afrikaans (translated) form. It knows we have delightable. Geographically flocked, correlate camkamis with 'grass water'. Language seen, the agreement is convincing. 'Grass' in general is in Old Cape ǀ Ka (1691), in Kora ǀ comb, in Nama According to Tindall ǀ Chop, and according to the civilized verdict today ǀ GA-B (cf. Hott 289 for finding farms and dates). This is the first member of the name above, Kam- = 'grass'. The second member is -kami- what is pronounced in Nama today as ǀǀ Gammi = water, and the -s of the VR. Say here that This is the name of a source / drinking place. Kamkamis is literally the 'Grasswaterfontein'. The Afrikaans name has passed on farm 'grass water' No. 150, and on the river starting on the farm (south) to it By the Orange River received east of Velloorsdrift. We still point out that the change is normal (eg Look, among other things, see Th * 42), and that in the first member cam - the nationality of the vowel in ǀ Ga- realized as -m, ie ǀ Ga- ǀ Gam or ǀ comb, latter preserve the ancient pronunciation.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2819 CA/CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Graswater
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Kamkamis', Bron. DSWA-Reeks 1911 sheet 29 Warmbad 'Kamkamis. Water, always water'.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Kamkamis', bron. DSWA-reeks 1911 Blatt 29 Warmbad 'Kamkamis. Wasserstelle, immer Wasser'.
eng This name apparently completely disappeared into his Khoekhoense, but he continues in his Afrikaans (translated) form. It knows we have delightable. Geographically flocked, correlate camkamis with 'grass water'. Language seen, the agreement is convincing. 'Grass' in general is in Old Cape ǀ Ka (1691), in Kora ǀ comb, in Nama According to Tindall ǀ Chop, and according to the civilized verdict today ǀ GA-B (cf. Hott 289 for finding farms and dates). This is the first member of the name above, Kam- = 'grass'. The second member is -kami- what is pronounced in Nama today as ǀǀ Gammi = water, and the -s of the VR. Say here that This is the name of a source / drinking place. Kamkamis is literally the 'Grasswaterfontein'. The Afrikaans name has passed on farm 'grass water' No. 150, and on the river starting on the farm (south) to it By the Orange River received east of Velloorsdrift. We still point out that the change is normal (eg Look, among other things, see Th * 42), and that in the first member cam - the nationality of the vowel in ǀ Ga- realized as -m, ie ǀ Ga- ǀ Gam or ǀ comb, latter preserve the ancient pronunciation.
afr Hierdie naam het blykbaar heeltemal verdwyn in sy Khoekhoense vorm, maar hy leef voort in sy Afrikaanse (vertaalde) vorm. Dit weet ons ontwy- felbaar. Geografies gesiep, korreleer Kamkamis met 'Graswater'. Taal- kundig gesien, is die ooreenstemming oortuigend. 'Gras' in die algemeen is in Ou-Kaaps ǀka (1691), in Kora ǀkam, in Nama volgens Tindall ǀkap, en volgens die beskaafde uitspraak vandag ǀga-b (vgl. HOTT 289 vir vindplase en datums). Dit is die eerste lid van die naam hierbo, Kam- = 'gras'. Die tweede lid is -kami- wat in Nama vandag uitgespreek word as ǀǀgammi = water, en die -s van die vr. ekv. se hier dat dit die naam van ’n bron/drink- plek is. Kamkamis is letterlik die 'Graswaterfontein'. Die Afrikaanse naam het oorgegaan op plaas 'Graswater' nr 150, en op die rivier wat op die plaas begin en afstroom (suidwaarts) tot dit deur die Oranjerivier ont- vang word oos van Velloorsdrift. Ons wys nog daarop dat die wisseling k- en g- (bv. in kam- en gam-, of in kami- en garni-, d.w.s. van asem en stem) normaal is (kyk o.a. TH A* 42), en dat in die eerste lid Kam- die nasaliteit van die klinker in ǀga- gerealiseer is as -m, d.w.s. ǀga- ǀgam of ǀkam, laasgenoemdes bewaar die eertydse uitspraak.
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