
Nautsis' is farm No. 92, district Karasburg. Then the 'Redberg', and the 'Redimond River' flows in southeastern direction over the farm. Nautsis is bordered on its south side by the farms 'Keimas' No. 99 and 'Keintas- Mund' No. 98. The member kept in these two names made us in th ** 683-684 with Nama ǀ Ae- = 'Fire', Transfer 'Red'. On Keimasmund is still 'Redmond's mountains' Save, the member Nau- Nautsis maybe like Namaǃ Now- [Nau-] = 'Rote Ocker' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 300). Then there is both a semantic and a geographical relationship between the different names of this toponimic group. The second member of Nautsis, viz. -tsi-, is then the locative morpheme. the lock -s fern. Sing, especially indicate a water location such as a source or fountain, so that the starting point of the name might be the fountain northeast of the homestead. 'RooKokerfontein'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2819 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Topographic Series 1973 Skin 2818 Warmbaths 'Nautsis'.
afr Topografiese reeks 1973 vel 2818 Warmbad 'Nautsis'.
eng Nautsis' is farm No. 92, district Karasburg. Then the 'Redberg', and the 'Redimond River' flows in southeastern direction over the farm. Nautsis is bordered on its south side by the farms 'Keimas' No. 99 and 'Keintas- Mund' No. 98. The member kept in these two names made us in th ** 683-684 with Nama ǀ Ae- = 'Fire', Transfer 'Red'. On Keimasmund is still 'Redmond's mountains' Save, the member Nau- Nautsis maybe like Namaǃ Now- [Nau-] = 'Rote Ocker' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 300). Then there is both a semantic and a geographical relationship between the different names of this toponimic group. The second member of Nautsis, viz. -tsi-, is then the locative morpheme. the lock -s fern. Sing, especially indicate a water location such as a source or fountain, so that the starting point of the name might be the fountain northeast of the homestead. 'RooKokerfontein'.
afr Nautsis' is plaas nr 92, distrik Karasburg. Daarop is die 'Rooiberg', en die 'Rooimondrivier' vloei in suidoostelike rigting oor die plaas. Nautsis word aan sy suidekant begrens deur die plase 'Keimas' nr 99 en 'Keintas- mund' nr 98. Die lid Kei- in hierdie twee name het ons in TH A** 683- 684 in verband gebring met Nama ǀae- = 'vuur', oordragtelik 'rooi'. Op Keimasmund is nog 'Rooimond se Berge'. Dis dan opvallend hoeveel name hier voorkom met die lid rooi-. Nautsis behoort geografies tot dieselfde naamgroep. Indien die 'rooi' op die gesteldheid van die bodem slaan, is die lid Nau- van Nautsis dalk soos Nama ǃnou- [ǃnau-] = 'der rote Ocker' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 300). Dan is daar sowel ’n semantiese as ’n geo- grafiese verband tussen die verskillende name van hierdie toponimiese groep. Die tweede lid van Nautsis, nl. -tsi-, is dan die lokatiefmorfeem. die slot -s fern. sing, dui veral ’n waterplek soos ’n bron of fontein aan, sodat die beginpunt van die naam moontlik die fontein noordoos van die opstal was. 'Rooiokerfontein'.
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