
It deals here on the farm Umeis No 110, and according to Survey on DD, also a 'Umies River'. Kr. 1969 NW 372 has an entry 'ǃ U-claim: Das Weidfeld, the meadow', which apparently corresponds to Mr Boonzaaier's statement. But then with the nationityǃ u = 'meadow', realized in writing as -m-, d.w.s. ǃ You were observed for the spelling asǃ Um-. The -ei- is apparently a locative, and means as much as the (ǃ K) ei-, presently (ǃ K) ai-. 'Where to be grazed'. Mr Booish 1979 Language Assistant note joins Mr Christian: 'Omais -' Place where a house is built will be built. ' At Nama Ai- = here 'place', and to = 'build', as S.Nw. 'house'.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2818 DB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Umeis', Source. Christian M 1974 driver conversation 'to-claim, around is a house. 'Here we want to make a new home.' Boonzaaier GPL 1974 Farmer Conversation 'Umeis is the suburbs,' where the sheep and beef graze '.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Umeis', bron. Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'Om-eis, om is n huis. ‘Hier wil ons ’n nuwe huis maak’.' Boonzaaier GPl 1974 Boer Gesprek 'Umeis is die weiveld, ’waar die skaap en bees wei'.
eng It deals here on the farm Umeis No 110, and according to Survey on DD, also a 'Umies River'. Kr. 1969 NW 372 has an entry 'ǃ U-claim: Das Weidfeld, the meadow', which apparently corresponds to Mr Boonzaaier's statement. But then with the nationityǃ u = 'meadow', realized in writing as -m-, d.w.s. ǃ You were observed for the spelling asǃ Um-. The -ei- is apparently a locative, and means as much as the (ǃ K) ei-, presently (ǃ K) ai-. 'Where to be grazed'. Mr Booish 1979 Language Assistant note joins Mr Christian: 'Omais -' Place where a house is built will be built. ' At Nama Ai- = here 'place', and to = 'build', as S.Nw. 'house'.
afr Dit handel hier oor die plaas Umeis nr 110, en volgens Opmeting op DD, ook ’n 'Umiesrivier'. Kr.-R. 1969 NW 372 het 'n inskrywing 'ǃU-eis: das Weidefeld, die Weide', wat blykbaar ooreenstem met mnr Boonzaaier se verklaring. maar dan met die nasaliteit by ǃu = 'wei', skriftelik gerealiseer as -m-, d.w.s. ǃu is vir die spelling waargeneem as ǃum-. Die -ei- is blykbaar ’n lokatief, en beteken soveel as die (ǃk)ei-, tans (ǃk)ai-. 'waar gewei word'. Mnr Boois 1979 Taalassistent Aantekening sluit horn aan by mnr Christian: 'Omais — ‘Plek waar ’n huis gebou word, gebou gaan word’.' By Nama ai- = hier 'plek', en om = 'bou', as s.nw. 'huis'.
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