ǁKhamab / ǁKhamabeb

A Hartebeest is in Nama ǀǀ Khama (Rust 1966 DNN 29). This corresponds to the census card's Tclama; The TCǃ is an attempt to give the suction patch and the accompanying field (ǀǀ K-) in writing. Hartbees- Translate the TCǃ (K) ama of the river name. There is no doubt about this. The -bie- is a place nominator, the -p (ml. Ekv.) Determinating the river name here. This Tclamabiep, D.I. ǀǀ Khamabeb, means 'Hartbees River', runs on the census card in the TClouly Group River, but in the topogra- fiese series 1974 sheet 2816 Alexander Bay is the TClouly group today the 'Kahams River', M.A.w. The current Kaham - is the Old ǀǀ Kham, but currently with a bisyylabic pronunciation of the old monosyllabic -kham, and the current Kahams River is also applied to the old tclamabiep replaced. The current Kahams River is therefore a longer river than the old, it includes the old plus the old TCloulyRoup. Compliance in precise location and in sound between the old (ǀǀ k) Amabiep and the current ǀǀ Khamabrivier is the decisive proof. On the mentioned topographical map of the river also a water source called 'Kahams', and of course it will have the same meaning. On the Topo Cadastral Card 1966, no one of the names appears. 'Hartebees River'

About this item

ǁKhamab / ǁKhamabeb
Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2817 CB/AD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
ǀǀKhamab, ǀǀKhamabeb
ǁKhamab / ǁKhamabeb
eng SENSUSAK 1891 'TC.ǃ Amabiep or Hartebeest River'
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Tc.ǃAmabiep or Hartebeest River'
eng A Hartebeest is in Nama ǀǀ Khama (Rust 1966 DNN 29). This corresponds to the census card's Tclama; The TCǃ is an attempt to give the suction patch and the accompanying field (ǀǀ K-) in writing. Hartbees- Translate the TCǃ (K) ama of the river name. There is no doubt about this. The -bie- is a place nominator, the -p (ml. Ekv.) Determinating the river name here. This Tclamabiep, D.I. ǀǀ Khamabeb, means 'Hartbees River', runs on the census card in the TClouly Group River, but in the topogra- fiese series 1974 sheet 2816 Alexander Bay is the TClouly group today the 'Kahams River', M.A.w. The current Kaham - is the Old ǀǀ Kham, but currently with a bisyylabic pronunciation of the old monosyllabic -kham, and the current Kahams River is also applied to the old tclamabiep replaced. The current Kahams River is therefore a longer river than the old, it includes the old plus the old TCloulyRoup. Compliance in precise location and in sound between the old (ǀǀ k) Amabiep and the current ǀǀ Khamabrivier is the decisive proof. On the mentioned topographical map of the river also a water source called 'Kahams', and of course it will have the same meaning. On the Topo Cadastral Card 1966, no one of the names appears. 'Hartebees River'
afr ’n Hartebees is in Nama ǀǀkhama- (Rust 1966 DNN 29). Dit stem ooreen met die sensuskaart se Tclama; die Tcǃ is ’n poging om die suigklap en die meegaande velaar (ǀǀk-) skriftelik weer te gee. Hartbees- vertaal dan die Tcǃ(k)ama- van die riviernaam. Hieroor is daar geen twyfel nie. Die -bie- is ’n plekbenoemer, die -p (ml. ekv.) bepaaldelik van die riviernaam hier. Hierdie TclAmabiep, d.i. ǀǀKhamabeb, betekenende 'Hartbeesrivier', loop op die sensuskaart in die TclOulyroep River, maar in die Topogra- fiese reeks 1974 vel 2816 Alexander Bay is die TclOulyroep vandag die 'Kahamsrivier', m.a.w. die huidige Kaham- is die ou ǀǀkham-, maar tans met ’n bisillabiese uitspraak van die ou monosillabiese -kham-, en die huidige Kahamsrivier is ook toegepas op die ou TclAmabiep wat vervang is. Die huidige Kahamsrivier is gevolglik 'n langer rivier as die oue, dit sluit die oue in plus die ou TclOulyroup. Ooreenstemming in presiese ligging en in klank tussen die ou (ǀǀK)Amabiep en die huidige ǀǀKhamabrivier is die beslissende bewys. Op die genoemde Topografiese kaart le suidelik van die rivier ook ’n waterbron met die naam 'Kahams', en natuurlik sal dit die- selfde betekenis he. Op die Topo-kadastrale kaart 1966 verskyn geen een van die name nie. 'Hartebeesrivier'
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