
The environment shows that this goar in a rocky area lies some of which peaks and points are such as 'Dolomite Peaks' and 'Black Hills'; The or name of GOARIP in the cadast list is also 'The Granite Boss'. Conditions Heights we want to lead the 'BOSS' or head (indicated by the exit of the ML. EKV. -P, in the recognized orthography -B) to declare with the nama word that satisfies directly, linguistically and consumably, viz. ǀ Khoa- = 'SteiniBersate sets' (Rust 1960 DNW 59). The -ri (e) - is locative suffix. The 'head (-P) is a place (-rie) with stone, probably granite rock, littered (ǀ khoa) is'. The KH, like the K, is often observed and written as a G-, hence the verdict goariep. Yet we believe that a stronger case can be made up for 'wild horsebrand', where 'wild horse' is equal to the quagga [Equus Guagga]. The 1091 census card contains the name 'TN.waggas fountain', of Veillet S.j. 'Tn.waggas flats', which all correlates with 'wild horses', cf. Th a ** 1104. This 'tn.waggas' (with the tn. If indication of a suction slide) is o.i. Definitely the 'quaggas'. Whether there is clearly distinguished between Kwagga and Zebra, we do not know in this case. Anyway, wild horsebrand lies just south of the Holgat River on 2817 CA / CC, while Goariep is leather at 2817 CA. Goariep is also a 'mountain', we can already observe in the ML. EKV. -p which is especially that the place name is that of a river or a mountain. The head goariep, with a land surveyor on it, has a slope on the east at the foot of which a fountain is named 'Horse Water'. We understand this as a shortening of 'wild horse water', or shortly as 'Kwaggafontein'. Now the interesting that the old Khoekhoense name for the Kwagga in this world is V-now V-Coldarep, in modern Nama (^ Nu = black) = bkouareb. This recording is from 1780-83, cf. Hott 365 and 529. Couarp looks very much on GOARIP from this environment, and that the 'horse water', or better, as we think, the 'quagavater', should now stand at the foot of the Granietberg Goariep, Looks, everything is taking, too much to be a coincidence. We believe GOARIP should be understood as Kwaggaberg or 'Kwaggarand'. [By the way, Zebra is in Namaǃ Gore-B, close dialecties tooǃ Goare-b. Cf. OA Rest 1960 DNW 75 forǃ Gore-b. Ary]

About this item

Alternative Title
Goariep, Goariep(Kop)
Georeference Sources
K 2817 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Survey S.J. 'Goarie', a head. Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2816 Alexander Bay 'The Granite Boss OR Goariepkop'. Corresponding topographical map 1974 'Goariep', with land surveyor Nr 50, in the Plowberg and just above 'Dolomite Peaks' and 'The Black Hills'
afr Opmeting s.j. 'Goariep', ’n kop. Topo-kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2816 Alexander Bay 'The Granite Boss or Goariepkop'. Ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1974 'Goariep', met landmetersbaken nr 50, in die Ploegberg en net bokant 'Dolomite Peaks' en 'The Black Hills'
eng The environment shows that this goar in a rocky area lies some of which peaks and points are such as 'Dolomite Peaks' and 'Black Hills'; The or name of GOARIP in the cadast list is also 'The Granite Boss'. Conditions Heights we want to lead the 'BOSS' or head (indicated by the exit of the ML. EKV. -P, in the recognized orthography -B) to declare with the nama word that satisfies directly, linguistically and consumably, viz. ǀ Khoa- = 'SteiniBersate sets' (Rust 1960 DNW 59). The -ri (e) - is locative suffix. The 'head (-P) is a place (-rie) with stone, probably granite rock, littered (ǀ khoa) is'. The KH, like the K, is often observed and written as a G-, hence the verdict goariep. Yet we believe that a stronger case can be made up for 'wild horsebrand', where 'wild horse' is equal to the quagga [Equus Guagga]. The 1091 census card contains the name 'TN.waggas fountain', of Veillet S.j. 'Tn.waggas flats', which all correlates with 'wild horses', cf. Th a ** 1104. This 'tn.waggas' (with the tn. If indication of a suction slide) is o.i. Definitely the 'quaggas'. Whether there is clearly distinguished between Kwagga and Zebra, we do not know in this case. Anyway, wild horsebrand lies just south of the Holgat River on 2817 CA / CC, while Goariep is leather at 2817 CA. Goariep is also a 'mountain', we can already observe in the ML. EKV. -p which is especially that the place name is that of a river or a mountain. The head goariep, with a land surveyor on it, has a slope on the east at the foot of which a fountain is named 'Horse Water'. We understand this as a shortening of 'wild horse water', or shortly as 'Kwaggafontein'. Now the interesting that the old Khoekhoense name for the Kwagga in this world is V-now V-Coldarep, in modern Nama (^ Nu = black) = bkouareb. This recording is from 1780-83, cf. Hott 365 and 529. Couarp looks very much on GOARIP from this environment, and that the 'horse water', or better, as we think, the 'quagavater', should now stand at the foot of the Granietberg Goariep, Looks, everything is taking, too much to be a coincidence. We believe GOARIP should be understood as Kwaggaberg or 'Kwaggarand'. [By the way, Zebra is in Namaǃ Gore-B, close dialecties tooǃ Goare-b. Cf. OA Rest 1960 DNW 75 forǃ Gore-b. Ary]
afr Die omgewing toon aan dat hierdie Goariep in ’n klipagtige gebied le waarvan sommige pieke en punte name dra soos 'Dolomite Peaks' en 'Black Hills'; die of-naam van Goariep in die kadasterlys is juis ook 'The Granite Boss'. Omstandigheidsgetuienis wil ons lei om die 'boss' of kop (aangedui met die uitgang van die ml. ekv. -p, in die erkende ortografie -b) te verklaar met die Namawoord wat direk bevredig, taalkundig en in- houdelik, nl. ǀkhoa- = 'Steiniibersate Stelle' (Rust 1960 DNW 59). Die -ri(e)- is lokatiewe agtervoegsel. Die 'Kop ( -p) is ’n plek (-rie-) wat met klip, waarskynlik granietklip, besaai (ǀkhoa) is'. Die kh is, net soos die k-, dikwels waargeneem en geskryf as ’n g-, vandaar seker die uitspraak Goariep. Tog meen ons dat daar ’n sterker saak uitgemaak kan word vir 'Wildeperdrand', waar 'wildeperd' gelykstaan aan die kwagga [Equus guagga]. Die Sensuskaart van 1891 bevat die naam 'Tn.Waggas Fontein', die van Veillet s.j. 'Tn.Waggas Flats', wat almal korreleer met 'Wildeperde- rand', vgl. TH A** 1104. Hierdie 'Tn.Waggas' (met die Tn. as aandui- ding van ’n suigklap) is o.i. bepaald die 'kwaggas'. Of daar duidelik onderskei is tussen kwagga en sebra, weet ons in hierdie geval nie seker nie. Hoe ook al, Wildeperdrand le net suid van die Holgatrivier op 2817 CA/CC, terwyl Goariep noordeliker le op 2817 CA. Goariep is ook ’n 'berg', dit kan ons al waarneem in die ml. ekv. -p wat veral se dat die pleknaam die van ’n rivier of ’n berg is. Die kop Goariep, met ’n landmetersbaken daarop, het ’n helling aan die oostekant aan die voet waarvan ’n fontein is met die naam 'Perdewater'. Ons verstaan dit as ’n verkorting van 'Wildeperdewater', of kortweg as 'Kwaggafontein'. Nou is die interessante dat die ou Khoekhoense naam vir die kwagga in hierdie wêreld v-nou v-kouarep is, in moderne Nama (^nu = swart) =bkouareb. Hierdie optekening is uit 1780-83, vgl. HOTT 365 en 529. Kouarep lyk darem ver- basend baie op Goariep uit juis hierdie omgewing, en dat die 'Perdewater', of beter, soos ons meen, die 'Kwaggawater', nou juis aan die voet van die granietberg Goariep moet staan, lyk, alles tesaam geneem, te veel om ’n toevalligheid te wees. Ons meen dat Goariep as Kwaggaberg of 'Kwaggarand' verstaan moet word. [Terloops kan gemeld word dat sebra in Nama ǃgore-b is, daarnaas dialekties ook ǃgoare-b. Vgl. o.a. Rust 1960 DNW 75 vir ǃgore-b.]
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