
At the census card 1891, the pan is not indicated. The main road of Port Nolloth to Alexander Bay runs through the pan. For us, the fact is that this great Pan had a Khoekhoense name that was still heard in 1950. The statement given by Mr De Wet is linguistically difficult to make.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2816 DA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Jam Pan
eng Surveying 1950 Questionnaire, and from Delegitative Letter from the General Manager (De Wet CA) of the Alluviate Staff Lands: '... The Traveling Jam Pan was known as Ngaghnais, which can be determined,' Place where geese gather '. To express the word is extremely difficult, but the phonetic spell would be more or less 'Nagais'. The 'to' must be pronounced with the tongue against the elevator ... It is suspected that Jam Pan years ago, a whistlejthvlei were where many geese came ... '
afr Opmeting 1950 Vraelys, en uit begelêidende brief van die Algemene Be- stuurder (De Wet CA) van die alluviate staatsdelwerye: '...die teens- woordige Jam Pan was onder die Namavolk bekend as Ngaghnais wat, sover vasgestel kan word, beteken ‘Plek waar ganse bymekaarkom'. Om die woord uit te spreek is uiters moeilik, maar die fonetiese spelling sou min of meer wees ‘Nagaais’. Die 'na' moet met die tong teen die verhe- melte uitgespreek word...Dit word vermoed dat Jam Pan jare der jare gelede ’n fluitjiesrietvlei was waar baie ganse gekom het...'
eng At the census card 1891, the pan is not indicated. The main road of Port Nolloth to Alexander Bay runs through the pan. For us, the fact is that this great Pan had a Khoekhoense name that was still heard in 1950. The statement given by Mr De Wet is linguistically difficult to make.
afr Op die sensuskaart 1891 word die pan nie aangedui nie. Die hoofpad van Port Nolloth na Alexanderbaai loop deur die pan. Vir ons is die feit van belang dat hierdie groot pan 'n Khoekhoense naam gehad het wat in 1950 nog gehoor is. Die verklaring soos deur mnr De Wet gegee is, is taalkundig nog moeilik waar te maak.
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