
The quotes were chosen to illuminate one or more of the following viewpoints: spelling and pronunciation, shape, suction consonants, meaning (s), who the speakers are, the location, although the latter is a casual accessory and is intended to remind it that the orange of his confluence with the Vaal River was distinguished east in his name; cfg. NUGARIE AND KYGARIEP. The alternative name is called by Brink-Hop and Mentzel in these quotes, is treated separately. Because Orange and Groot River is Afrikaans, they fall outside our view, also the very rare, Seifs suspect Great Berg River of Mentzel and his spokesman. The General Khoekhoen name is Gariep, Brink and Rykfoet heard it at the Namas itself, Lichtenstein at O.A. The Bushmen, Borcherds and Burchell at the Koranas, to show on some, and implicitly knew the Griquas. The common name among the whites was the Groot River, and from 1779. Gordon honored the Dutch princes by calling the River the Orange River, this new name especially in official pieces generally began money without completely pushing the old term Groot River in the Volksmond. Gariep is always expressly given by the old travelers as the native name. There is a striking equality in the returns of the Khoekhoen name. With omission of the lock-P game Brink, rich foot and mentzel with a Chaan the beginning, Gordon with a G-, like the other here. The tradition is therefore reasonably reliable. Only five out of the fifteen finding farms recorded here leave the suction sound, and three of them are the oldest; It surprised us that Burchell not mentioned the clip. Gordon (with sharp '), Borcherds (with 1' or a t ') and Lichtenstein (with a' t) give a suction sound; From Knudsen's recording off distinguish the saying the consonant as the 'cerebral' sucker, theǃ. Wandres' recording is a printing error appears the statement of the basket with the ordinary cerebral clap. We can assume that theǃ Then the right anglaut is, so it gives an interpretation a certain hold. And yet there is no consensus about the meaning of the river name. Hewitt of Riversdale is O.W. The first thing that thinks of a 'River of the Wilderness', he says it is 'probably' the statement, but he doesn't say where he comes to it. Pettman takes it without the 'probable' and joining Kreenley's igarob = 'desert' (thus with the same Schnalz), and with the expansion of river in the desert. Others take the statement as a certain thing about Pettman, although some reject it, eg. Dr of Vredes TVV 21/4 23-24 Oct. 1965. Almost ironic, Pettman is going to Knight's for his evidence, but Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 93 himself commits his return of Igarib, 'Der Grossfluss, Oranjefluss', with no single names and dares no statement about the meaning while otherwise Location names Always report the statement. His return at this river name is completely loose as a separate entry. Not the bottom case (eg 'Wilderness'), but the river itself is taken by some for a statement to the foundation, eg. His shore (Dr. Vedder), or its current (at Hahn 'as Tosender, Rasender', at Wandres 'Anhalting Flies - Sen', at Rust 1969 'Riskend, der Schne'), or its passage (at OLPP 'Der Zwischen Felsen Bettyete '). Hahn 1901 pours a fascinating possibility. It is the fact that the wordǃ Gari-B also represents a 'tighter, Handfester Mann, Klerk Im Deutschen', such a block of a man, strong and rough, coarse. On p. 154 of his Collectanea he also gives 'igarise = heart, Laut'. All this awaks the suspicion that the river is also seen anthropomorphic in this case, viz. As a strong, coarse, great man, a 'guy'. Whatever stuck is that Hahn says that IGARIB isname is for 'river', that the Kunene is simply indicated by IGARIB, or with 'that other river', Thompson explains the word as 'Signifying Simply River' etc. It can be supplemented with even fixing of the same stretch, eg. WURAS 1920 VOKABULAR 44 'IGARRIB, RIVER', Engelbrecht 1928 Studies 34 'Igarib, River', Meinhof 1930 Korannadiaalkt 126 'Larib, Flus', everyone for Kora, as in fact also at Burchell ('Significies Literally River'). With the 'cloud' of evidence, it seems we can't escape the determination, viz. That IGARIB isname is for 'river'. Possibly there is degree difference betweenǃ Gari-B andǃ A-B, and in the sense thatǃ Gari-B indicates larger and stronger currents, a 'guy of a river', whileǃ A-B is apparent. Cfg. Further EIN 2816.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2816 CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
by uitwateringspunt (’n inlandse naam vir die Oranjerivier)
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Brink-hop 1761 GM RZA 2 44 'The rivers, who walk through the country, are the grand and fishing river, MITSG the lion, turning and gammo rivers; Under What the Groote River, otherwise Charie of Eyn Gent., The most else, who doesn't come to Droogen ... 'Rykvoet 1764 Moritz 2814 184' Nachdem Ich Bei Dem Grossen Fluss, Auch Charie Genannt, Angelangt War ... ' Gordon 1779 Ms 1 104 'WY Hieteden Dese River Orange's River, Dynde Dieden the By De Namaquas from running 'Garie or Large River ...' Mentzel 1787 VRV 25 216 '... The Groote River, Which is Also Called The Great Mountain river or 'charie' or 'eyyn'. ' Borchds 1801 Memoirs 56 'This port is access to the banks of the large or orange river, known as the trimmed ...' ibid. 93 '... the orange river or l'Garep ...'; Ibid. 104 'De Groote Stroom, as a large, T'Gariep or Oranje River known ...' Lichtenstein 1803-6 RISA 2 357 'Einer ['N Boesman] Erzahlte, Sie shorted Jenseits des' Tgariep (So Nenn Sie Den Oranjesfuss). .. 'Burchell 1811 i 220' ... These [trees] Indicated Our Approach to the Garep. '[Footnote Hereby:]' This Word is The Aboriginal Name, and Signifies Literally The River, is Pronounced as of two syllables, with the Accent Upon The Last, The Ie Being A Diphong, and Sounding As IF Written Gareep in English, Or Garipe in French '. Thompson 1823 Travels 74 [Footnote]' The Word Gariep, Signifying Simply River in The Koranna Tongue, is Applied by Way Or eMinence to the United Streams, OR Main Trunk, Generally Known in the Colony by the Epithets or Groote orange River '. Knudsen 1845 Nama-A.B.Z.-╪kannis 16 'Igarib, Orange River' [Garib According to Sy System of Schnalzewalking Herskryf with thatǃ In front I.P.v. Those two how Kommas.] Olpp J SNR 1871 Quellen 16 129 'Garib Wird der Fluss von den Hottentotten Genannt, who fell into tribes Zerstreut Sein ... Ufer soaphabs. Die Bedeutung des On behalf of IST 'Der Zwischen Felsen Gebetette' ... 'Hewitt 1877 CMM 15 381' ... The Largest River of South Africa ... by the natives at least in the Lower part of its course ... is Called The Qgarip (IE probably 'the river of the wilderness') ... '[' qgarip' to translitereer as igarip.] Hahn th 1901 Collectanea 148 'Igarib, Ein Strammer Handfester Mann, Kerl im Deutschen. Igarib, Fluss, as a tsoender, rasender. Igarib, Grossfluss, Oranje River ... Der Kunene Wird Auch Igarib Genannt. That Namaquas Spechen von IHM as AOH-Igarib, D.H. Jener other igarib '. Wandres 1928 Lüderitzbuchter Zeitung 27.10.1928 'Der Oranjfluss, Auch Grossfluss Genannt, Heissst in der Hottentottensprache ǀ Garib [Well Printing Fout Vir Igarib], Von Igari, Anhalthend Fliessen.' Pettman 1931 SAPN 20 'The Name is Descriptionive and Means 'The River of the Wilderness' (Igarib, from Igaro, to Be Desert, Igarob, Desert, Wilderness); This is The Name Which The River Bears From its Mouth To Its Junction With The Vaal River ... 'PNK. 14 11 1947 'Garib Ost. Nama: Igarib, Ufer. H. Vedder '. [Here isn't that of that orange river, but of a bus stop on that Roete Windhoek-Dordabis; That teasing of this here is for the sake of that meaning of the meaning of that in Albei Kaselle with Dieselfde Word it.] Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW 224 'Garib is that hottentot name vir that orange or large river ...' [and hygee That statement Soos by Pettman, and add by:] 'a different statement: Garib = large. So large river '. Kroenlein-Rest 1969 NW 93 'Igarib: Der 'Grossfluss', der Oranje (= der traveling, der Schnelle)'.
afr Brink-Hop 1761 GM RZA 2 44 'De rivieren, dewelke door ‘t land loopen, zijn de groote- en Visrivier, mitsg de leeuwen-, Draay- en Gammo-rivieren; onder dewelke de groote rivier, anders Charie of Eyn gent., de eenigste is, die niet komt op te droogen...' Rykvoet 1764 Moritz 2814 184 'Nachdem ich bei dem Grossen Fluss, auch Charie genannt, angelangt war...' Gordon 1779 ms 1 104 'Wy hieteden dese rivier Oranje’s rivier, zynde na gedagten de by de namaquas uit lopende 'garie of grote rivier...' Mentzel 1787 VRV 25 216 '...the Groote Rivier, which is also called the Groot Berg Rivier or ‘Charie’ or ‘Eyn’.' Borcherds 1801 Memoirs 56 'Deze poort is de toegang tot de oevers van de Groot of Oranje Rivier, bij de inboorlingen bekend als de Gariep...' Ibid. 93 '...de Oranje Rivier of l’Gariep...'; ibid. 104 'De groote stroom, als Groot, t’Gariep of Oranje Rivier bekend...' lichtenstein 1803-6 RISA 2 357 'Einer [’n Boesman] erzahlte, sie gehorten jenseits des ’tGariep (so nennen sie den Oranjefluss)...' Burchell 1811 I 220 '...These [trees] indicated our approach to the Gariep.' [Voetnoot hierby:] 'This word is the aboriginal name, and signifies literally the river, is pronounced as two syllables, with the accent upon the last, the ie being a diphthong, and sounding as if written Gareep in English, or Garipe in French'. Thompson 1823 Travels 74 [voetnoot] 'The word Gariep, signifying simply river in the Koranna tongue, is applied by way of eminence to the united streams, or main trunk, generally known in the colony by the epithets of Groote or Orange River'. Knudsen 1845 Nama-A.B.Z.-╪Kannis 16 ' IGarib, Orange River' [Garib volgens sy stelsel van schnalzaanduidinge herskryf met die ǃ vooraan i.p.v. die twee hoe kommas.] Olpp J snr 1871 Quellen 16 129 'Garib wird der Fluss von den Hottentotten genannt, die in vielen Stammen zerstreut sein...Ufer bewohnen. Die Bedeutung des Namens ist ‘der zwischen Felsen Gebettete’...' Hewitt 1877 CMM 15 381 '...the largest river of South Africa...by the natives at least in the lower part of its course...is called the Qgarip (i.e. probably ‘the River of the Wilderness’)...' [’’Qgarip' te translitereer as IGarip.] Hahn Th 1901 Collectanea 148 ' IGarib, ein strammer handfester Mann, Kerl im Deutschen. IGarib, Fluss, als tosender, rasender. IGarib, Grossfluss, Oranje River... Der Kunene wird auch IGarib genannt. Die Namaquas sprechen von ihm als AoH-IGarib, d.h. Jener andere IGarib'. Wandres 1928 Lüderitzbuchter Zeitung 27.10.1928 'Der Oranjefluss, auch Grossfluss genannt, heisst in der Hottentottensprache ǀGarib [wel drukfout vir IGarib], von Igari, anhaltend fliessen.' Pettman 1931 SAPN 20 'The name is descriptive and means ‘the river of the wilderness’ (IGarib, from Igaro, to be desert, Igarob, desert, wilderness); this is the name which the river bears from its mouth to its junction with the Vaal River...' PNK. 14 11 1947 'Garib Ost. Nama: IGarib, Ufer. H. Vedder'. [Hier is sprake, nie van die Oranjerivier nie, maar van ’n bushalte op die roete Windhoek-Dordabis; die tepasbrenging daarvan hier is ter wille van die betekenisaanduiding waar ons in albei gevalle wel met dieselfde woord te doen het.] Nienaber PJ 1963 SAPW 224 'Garib is die Hottentotse naam vir die Oranje- of Grootrivier...' [en hy gee dan die verklaring soos by Pettman, en voeg by:] '’n Ander verklaring: garib = groot. Dus Grootrivier'. Kroenlein-Rust 1969 NW 93 ' IGarib: der ‘Grossfluss’, der Oranje (= der Reissende, der Schnelle)'.
eng The quotes were chosen to illuminate one or more of the following viewpoints: spelling and pronunciation, shape, suction consonants, meaning (s), who the speakers are, the location, although the latter is a casual accessory and is intended to remind it that the orange of his confluence with the Vaal River was distinguished east in his name; cfg. NUGARIE AND KYGARIEP. The alternative name is called by Brink-Hop and Mentzel in these quotes, is treated separately.
Because Orange and Groot River is Afrikaans, they fall outside our view, also the very rare, Seifs suspect Great Berg River of Mentzel and his spokesman.
The General Khoekhoen name is Gariep, Brink and Rykfoet heard it at the Namas itself, Lichtenstein at O.A. The Bushmen, Borcherds and Burchell at the Koranas, to show on some, and implicitly knew the Griquas. The common name among the whites was the Groot River, and from 1779. Gordon honored the Dutch princes by calling the River the Orange River, this new name especially in official pieces generally began money without completely pushing the old term Groot River in the Volksmond. Gariep is always expressly given by the old travelers as the native name.
There is a striking equality in the returns of the Khoekhoen name. With omission of the lock-P game Brink, rich foot and mentzel with a Chaan the beginning, Gordon with a G-, like the other here. The tradition is therefore reasonably reliable. Only five out of the fifteen finding farms recorded here leave the suction sound, and three of them are the oldest; It surprised us that Burchell not mentioned the clip. Gordon (with sharp '), Borcherds (with 1' or a t ') and Lichtenstein (with a' t) give a suction sound; From Knudsen's recording off distinguish the saying the consonant as the 'cerebral' sucker, theǃ. Wandres' recording is a printing error appears the statement of the basket with the ordinary cerebral clap. We can assume that theǃ Then the right anglaut is, so it gives an interpretation a certain hold.
And yet there is no consensus about the meaning of the river name. Hewitt of Riversdale is O.W. The first thing that thinks of a 'River of the Wilderness', he says it is 'probably' the statement, but he doesn't say where he comes to it. Pettman takes it without the 'probable' and joining Kreenley's igarob = 'desert' (thus with the same Schnalz), and with the expansion of river in the desert. Others take the statement as a certain thing about Pettman, although some reject it, eg. Dr of Vredes TVV 21/4 23-24 Oct. 1965.
Almost ironic, Pettman is going to Knight's for his evidence, but Kreenley 1889 Worschatz 93 himself commits his return of Igarib, 'Der Grossfluss, Oranjefluss', with no single names and dares no statement about the meaning while otherwise Location names Always report the statement. His return at this river name is completely loose as a separate entry. Not the bottom case (eg 'Wilderness'), but the river itself is taken by some for a statement to the foundation, eg. His shore (Dr. Vedder), or its current (at Hahn 'as Tosender, Rasender', at Wandres 'Anhalting Flies - Sen', at Rust 1969 'Riskend, der Schne'), or its passage (at OLPP 'Der Zwischen Felsen Bettyete '). Hahn 1901 pours a fascinating possibility. It is the fact that the wordǃ Gari-B also represents a 'tighter, Handfester Mann, Klerk Im Deutschen', such a block of a man, strong and rough, coarse. On p. 154 of his Collectanea he also gives 'igarise = heart, Laut'. All this awaks the suspicion that the river is also seen anthropomorphic in this case, viz. As a strong, coarse, great man, a 'guy'.
Whatever stuck is that Hahn says that IGARIB isname is for 'river', that the Kunene is simply indicated by IGARIB, or with 'that other river', Thompson explains the word as 'Signifying Simply River' etc. It can be supplemented with even fixing of the same stretch, eg. WURAS 1920 VOKABULAR 44 'IGARRIB, RIVER', Engelbrecht 1928 Studies 34 'Igarib, River', Meinhof 1930 Korannadiaalkt 126 'Larib, Flus', everyone for Kora, as in fact also at Burchell ('Significies Literally River').
With the 'cloud' of evidence, it seems we can't escape the determination, viz. That IGARIB isname is for 'river'. Possibly there is degree difference betweenǃ Gari-B andǃ A-B, and in the sense thatǃ Gari-B indicates larger and stronger currents, a 'guy of a river', whileǃ A-B is apparent. Cfg. Further EIN 2816.
afr Die aanhalings is gekies om een of meer van die volgende gesigspunte te belig: spelling en uitspraak, vorm, suigkonsonante, betekenis(se), wie die sprekers is, die ligging, hoewel laasgenoemde ’n toevallige bykomstigheid is en bedoel is om daaraan te herinner dat die Oranje van sy samevloeiing met die Vaalrivier ooswaarts in sy naam onderskei is; vgl. NUGARIEP en KYGARIEP. Die alternatiewe naam Eyn, genoem deur Brink-Hop en Mentzel in hierdie aanhalings, word apart behandel. Omdat Oranje- en Grootrivier Afrikaans is, val hulle hier buite ons beskou- ing, ook die heel •seldsame, seifs verdagte Groot-Bergrivier van Mentzel en sy segsman. Die algemene Khoekhoennaam is Gariep, Brink en Rykvoet het dit by die Namas self gehoor, lichtenstein by o.a. die Boesmans, Borcherds en Burchell by die Koranas, om op ’n paar te wys, en implisiet het die Griekwas dit geken. Die algemene naam onder die Blankes was die Grootrivier, en van 1779 af toe kol. Gordon die Nederlandse vorstehuis vereer het deur die rivier die Oranjerivier te noem, het hierdie nuwe naam veral in amptelike stukke algemeen begin geld sonder om gedurende die twee eeue die ou term Grootrivier in die volksmond heeltemal te verdring. Gariep word deur die ou reisigers altyd uitdruklik aangegee as die inboorlingnaam. Daar is ’n opvallende gelykheid in die opgawes van die Khoekhoense naam. Met weglating van die slot-p spel Brink, Rykvoet en Mentzel dit met ’n Chaan die begin, Gordon met ’n G-, soos die ander hier. Die oorlewering is dus redelik betroubaar. Alleen vyf uit die vyftien vindplase wat hier opgeteken is, laat die suigklank weg, en drie van hulle is die oudste; dit verbaas ons dat Burchell die klapklank nie vermeld nie. Gordon (met skerp '), Borcherds (met 1’ of ’n t’) en lichtenstein (met ’n ’t) gee ’n suigklank; van Knudsen se optekening af onderskei die segsliede die konsonant as die 'serebrale' suigklapper, die ǃ. Wandres se optekening is ’n drukfout blykens die opgawe van die grondwoord met die gewone serebrale klap. Ons kan met goeie reg aanneem dat die ǃ dan die juiste anlaut is, sodat dit vir ’n interpretasie ’n bepaalde houvas gee. En tog is daar geen eenstemmigheid oor die betekenis van die riviernaam nie. Hewitt van Riversdal is o.w. die eerste wat dink aan ’n 'River of the Wilderness', hy se dit is 'probably' die verklaring, maar hy se nie waar hy daaraan kom nie. Pettman neem dit oor sonder die 'probably' en laat dit aansluit by Kroenlein se Igarob = 'woestyn' (dus met dieselfde schnalz), en met die uitbreiding tot rivier in die woestyn. Ander neem die verklaring as ’n stelligheid oor uit Pettman, hoewel ook sommige dit verwerp, bv. dr Van Vreeden TVV 21/4 23-24 Okt. 1965. Amper ironies is dit dat Pettman vir sy bewysmateriaal na Kroenlein gaan, maar Kroenlein 1889 Wortschatz 93 self verbind sy opgawe van IGarib, 'der Grossfluss, Oranjefluss', met geen enkele Namawoord nie en waag geen verklaring aangaande die betekenis nie, terwyl hy andersins by plekname haas altyd die verklaring aangee. Sy opgawe by hierdie riviernaam staan heeltemal los as ’n aparte inskrywing. Nie die bodemgesteldheid nie (bv. 'Wilderness'), maar die rivier self word deur party vir ’n verklaring tot grondslag geneem, bv. sy oewer (dr Vedder), of sy stroom (by Hahn 'als tosender, rasender', by Wandres 'anhaltend flies- sen', by Rust 1969 'der Reissende, der Schnelle'), of sy deurgang (by Olpp 'der zwischen Felsen Gebettete'). Hahn 1901 poneer ’n boeiende moontlikheid. Dit is naamlik die feit dat die woord ǃgari-b ook ’n 'strammer, handfester Mann, Kerl im Deutschen' voorstel, so ’n blok van ’n man, sterk en ru, grof. Op bl. 154 van sy Collectanea gee hy hierby ook op ' Igarise = hart, laut'. Dit alles wek die vermoede dat die rivier ook in hierdie geval antropomorfies gesien is, nl. as ’n sterk, growwe, groot man, ’n 'kerel'. Wat ewenwel vasstaan, is dat Hahn vertel dat Igarib soortnaam is vir 'rivier', dat ook die Kunene eenvoudig met IGarib aangedui word, of met 'Daardie ander rivier', Thompson verklaar die woord as 'signifying simply river' ens. Dit kan aangevul word met nog vasstellings van dieselfde strekking, bv. Wuras 1920 Vokabular 44 ' Igarrib, river', Engelbrecht 1928 Studies 34 ' Igarib, rivier', Meinhof 1930 Korannadialekt 126 'larib, Fluss', almal vir Kora, soos trouens ook by Burchell ('signifies literally river'). Met die 'wolk' van getuienis lyk dit of ons nie kan ontkom aan die vasstelling nie, nl. dat Igarib soortnaam is vir 'rivier'. Moontlik is daar graadverskil tus- sen ǃgari-b en ǃa-b, en wel in die sin dat ǃgari-b veral groter en sterker strome aandui, ’n 'kerel van ’n rivier' is, terwyl ǃa-b beskeier is. Vgl. verder EIN 2816.
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