
PNK: See quotation under Bengap. Bengap is given as the 'defiled', D.I. The mutilated form of abegap, and abegap means 'spilled milk'. The distraction from Khoekhens was declared under Bengap, except that Abe- a deviation for 'milk' as stated, viz. BI (-P). The informant that speaks of 'pollution' may consider if the 'undisclosed' forms a composition such as Nama ǀ Â-Dei-GA-B, in Old Cape and Kora ǀ â-GA-B, LIST. 'Sweet milk shower', now spelled as farm name Abegab. Then neither one still has to be a mutilation, Bengap / bingap is 'milk shower', Abegab is 'sweet milk'. And yet the PNC's informant looked, because where does the - of Bengap come from? Not from BI (P). Then of ǀ â-off? (For bi- and dei- view Hott. 382-3 where this type of allophone is documented, for 'sweet milk' Aid. 461 Where will 'sweet milk' lit. 'Mysmel' in Ou-Cape).

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2822
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
ǀÂdaigab (Raper skryf dit as ǀÂdeigab omdat hy ʼn ouer Ortografie gebruik}
eng Sweet milk shower, Mystermilk (in Old Cape)
afr Soetmelkstort, Jongmelk (in Ou-Kaaps)
eng PNK: See quotation under Bengap. Bengap is given as the 'defiled', D.I. The mutilated form of abegap, and abegap means 'spilled milk'. The distraction from Khoekhens was declared under Bengap, except that Abe- a deviation for 'milk' as stated, viz. BI (-P). The informant that speaks of 'pollution' may consider if the 'undisclosed' forms a composition such as Nama ǀ Â-Dei-GA-B, in Old Cape and Kora ǀ â-GA-B, LIST. 'Sweet milk shower', now spelled as farm name Abegab. Then neither one still has to be a mutilation, Bengap / bingap is 'milk shower', Abegab is 'sweet milk'. And yet the PNC's informant looked, because where does the - of Bengap come from? Not from BI (P). Then of ǀ â-off? (For bi- and dei- view Hott. 382-3 where this type of allophone is documented, for 'sweet milk' Aid. 461 Where will 'sweet milk' lit. 'Mysmel' in Ou-Cape).
afr PNK: Kyk aanhaling onder BENGAP. Bengap word aangegee as die 'verontreinigde', d.i. die verminkte vorm van Abegap, en Abegap beteken 'gestorte melk'. Die afleiding uit Khoekhoens is onder Bengap verklaar, behalwe dat Abe- ’n afwyking is vir 'melk' soos daar aangegee, nl. bi(-p). Die informant wat van 'verontreiniging' praat, beskou miskien as die 'onverontreinigde' vorm 'n samestelling soos Nama ǀâ-dei-ga-b, in Ou-Kaaps en Kora ǀâ-bi-ga-b, lett. 'soetmelk-stort', nou gespel as plaasnaam Abegab. Dan hoef nòg die een nog die ander ’n verminking te wees, Bengap/Bingap is 'Melkstort', Abegab is 'Soetmelkstort'. En tog kàn die PNK se informant gelyk hê, want waar kom die -n- van Bengap vandaan? Nie van bi(p) nie. Dan tog van ǀâ-bi- af? (Vir bi- en dei- kyk HOTT. 382-3 waar hierdie soort allofoon gedokumenteer is, vir 'soetmelk' aid. 461 waar sal blyk dat 'soetmelk' lett. 'jongmelk' in Ou-Kaaps is).
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