
The Khoekhoian word buchu (cf. Hott 222-3, Smith CNSAP 135-141) appears in many place names, so in the place name Bochoeberg. The mentioned place lies in the dist. Prieska (APN 1951 58). There is also a Boegoeberg in Dist. LIIDERITZ ONG. 140 km north resort origin of town on S 2715 DD. As a first member, Buchu also forms other compositions. Boegoe is a scrub that belongs to the generations Agathosma, Barosma and Diosma (Fam. Rutaceae). The name of the crop is also spelled as Buchu, usually in English or German bond. All place names formed with buchu or buchu are hybridically compiled, as far as we could check it, d.w.s. The cheating component comes from a European language that needs no statement, and the first component, viz. Buch or a variant of it is also known as regards the meaning, what it is about us. They continue to be inelinated, except those who are called Buchu under Lemma.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2822, S 2715 e.a.
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng The Khoekhoian word buchu (cf. Hott 222-3, Smith CNSAP 135-141) appears in many place names, so in the place name Bochoeberg. The mentioned place lies in the dist. Prieska (APN 1951 58). There is also a Boegoeberg in Dist. LIIDERITZ ONG. 140 km north resort origin of town on S 2715 DD. As a first member, Buchu also forms other compositions. Boegoe is a scrub that belongs to the generations Agathosma, Barosma and Diosma (Fam. Rutaceae). The name of the crop is also spelled as Buchu, usually in English or German bond. All place names formed with buchu or buchu are hybridically compiled, as far as we could check it, d.w.s. The cheating component comes from a European language that needs no statement, and the first component, viz. Buch or a variant of it is also known as regards the meaning, what it is about us. They continue to be inelinated, except those who are called Buchu under Lemma.
afr Die Khoekhoense woord boegoe (vgl. HOTT 222-3, Smith CNSAP 135-141) verskyn in baie plekname, so in die pleknaam Boegoeberg. Die genoemde plek le in die dist. Prieska (APN 1951 58). Daar is ook ’n Boegoeberg in dist. liideritz ong. 140 km noordnoordwes van dorp op S 2715 DD. Boegoe vorm as eerste lid ook ander samestellinge. Boegoe is ’n struikgewas wat tot die geslagte Agathosma, Barosma en Diosma behoort (fam. Rutaceae). Die naam van die gewas word ook gespel as buchu, gewoonlik in Engelse of Duitse ver- band. Alle plekname wat met boegoe- of buchu- gevorm word, is hibridies saamgestel, sover ons dit kon nagaan, d.w.s. die nagesêtte komponent kom uit ’n Europese taal wat geen verklaring nodig het nie, en die eerste komponent, nl. Boegoe- of ’n variant daarvan, is ook bekend wat betref die betekenis, waaroor dit ons te doen is. Hulle bly verder onvermeld, behalwe die wat onder lemma BUCHU genoem word.
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