
The derivation is given above, viz. ǀ Haru- = rushes (with change N and H, cf. 5 d 6), -exa- = abundant, many, with fountain naming (Fern, sing.), Ong. 'Biesiesfontein'. In the area is also a 'deck gate', Dist. Gordonia Q. 3-43, K 2820 BC, who, like Narugas (changed by pnk for the siding and post office to Naroegas) and Narougas respectively on K 2820 AA and AC. There is also Naroanpan on K 2720 AA. There can be little doubt that a large number of names of farms with the ingredient 'Matjies' translations are from Khoekhens. The breakdown in the spelling of the name above. These are such traces that bring declarers on the wrong track, as here for Dr. Vedder: He could not speak to the knowledge of the local facts. Then there are the variability of Farini and Churchill.

About this item

Alternative Title
Naroegas, Narugas, Narougas Ens.
Georeference Sources
K 2820
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng PNK 1941 'Narugas'. Place, post office and a station between Upington and Seeheim. 'Narugas: Namatal Naru = Random something goes, gas from chas, syllable indicating that something is done repeatedly. Narugas = 'Place where people had to go repeatedly'. H. Vedder '. PNK 1942 Letter from the Chief Clerk of the SAS '... According to information, Narugas is a hottentot word which means' the place where the rushes grow Other Suidwes Van Askham, -South ', and all rightly lead from ǀ Harub = Maties. Claassens Mrs. JW 1973 Questionnaire 'Naroegas, farm and railway station, 122 km per trace of Upington, 18 km from Border of SWA. Means 'Biesiesvlei'. Location was full of rushes earlier. Obtain information from Computer Cupid '.
afr PNK 1941 'Narugas'. Plaas, daarop poskantoor en ’n stasie tussen Upington en Seeheim. 'Narugas: Namataal naru = random iets gaan, -gas van chas, lettergreep wat aandui dat iets herhaaldelik gedoen word. Narugas = ‘Plek waar mense herhaaldelik rondom moes gaan’. H. Vedder'. PNK 1942 brief van Hoofklerk van die SAS '...volgens inligting is Narugas 'n Hottentotwoord wat beteken ‘Die plek waar die biesies groei'.' Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 450 'Narugas', noem 'n plaas noordwes van Kakamas, 'n ander suidwes van Askham, nl. 'Onderste-Narugas' wat Farini 1886 en Churchill 1892 onderskeidelik spel 'Anerougas' en 'Anoerugas', ten derde die sylyn (kyk PNK hierbo), en ten slotte 'Narugas-noord' en 'N.-suid', en lei almal tereg af van ǀharub = mat- jiesgoed. Claassens mev. JW 1973 Vraelys 'Naroegas, plaas en daarop spoorwegstasie, 122 km per spoor van Upington, 18 km van grens van SWA af. Beteken ‘Biesiesvlei’. Plek was vroeër jare vol biesies. Inligting van Feitjie Cupido verkry'.
eng The derivation is given above, viz. ǀ Haru- = rushes (with change N and H, cf. 5 d 6), -exa- = abundant, many, with fountain naming (Fern, sing.), Ong. 'Biesiesfontein'. In the area is also a 'deck gate', Dist. Gordonia Q. 3-43, K 2820 BC, who, like Narugas (changed by pnk for the siding and post office to Naroegas) and Narougas respectively on K 2820 AA and AC. There is also Naroanpan on K 2720 AA. There can be little doubt that a large number of names of farms with the ingredient 'Matjies' translations are from Khoekhens. The breakdown in the spelling of the name above. These are such traces that bring declarers on the wrong track, as here for Dr. Vedder: He could not speak to the knowledge of the local facts. Then there are the variability of Farini and Churchill.
afr Die afleiding is hierbo gegee, nl. ǀharu- = biesies- (met wisseling n- en h-, vgl. 5 D 6), -xa- = volop, baie, met fonteinbenoemende -s (fern, sing.), ong. 'Biesiesfontein'. In die omgewing is ook 'n 'Biesje Poort', dist. Gordonia Q. 3-43, K 2820 BC, wat net soos Narugas (deur PNK vir die sylyn en poskantoor verander tot Naroegas) en Narougas onderskeidelik op K 2820 AA en AC le. Daar is ook Naroegaspan op K 2720 AA. Daar kan min twyfel bestaan dat 'n groot aantal name van plase met die bestanddeel 'matjies-' vertalings is uit Khoekhoens. Die onvastigheid in die spelling van die naam hierbo val op. Dit is sulke onvastighede wat verklaarders op die dwaalspoor bring, soos hier vir dr Vedder: hy kon nie praat met kennis van die plaaslike feite nie. Dan is daar die wisselspellinge van Farini en Churchill.
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