ǃNabadanas / ǃNawabdanas

The quotation from Albrecht only serves to indicate that the place name for a falling mountain has already surrendered its old native name. Mossop 1935 in a footnote at Wikar shares the necessary. 'The Hill, A Striking Landmark, Lies Between Kakamas and Augrabies Falls on the South Bank of the Orange. Shaped Like The Head of a Rhinoceros, a Projectory Ledge of Rock Represents The Horn. Nama: Inawas (Rhinoceros) Tanas [now Danas] (Head) '.

About this item

ǃNabadanas / ǃNawabdanas
Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2820
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Renosterkop
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
ǃNabadanas, ǃNawabdanas**
ǃNabadanas / ǃNawabdanas
eng Wikar 1779 VRV 15 120 'Hiervandaan Na de Renosterkop (Nawaptana) ...' Albrecht C 1806 letter Moritz 37/1 105 '... (Man) will see that we ... from the mountain Rhinozeroskopf or the Deer-Rivier Zoomed at the very funeral ... '
afr Wikar 1779 VRV 15 120 'Hiervandaan na de renosterkop (Nawaptana)...' Albrecht C 1806 Brief Moritz 37/1 105 '...(man) wird sehen, dass wir...von dem Berg Rhinozeroskopf oder dem Deer-Rivier zur Frohen Erfiillung zogen...'
eng The quotation from Albrecht only serves to indicate that the place name for a falling mountain has already surrendered its old native name. Mossop 1935 in a footnote at Wikar shares the necessary. 'The Hill, A Striking Landmark, Lies Between Kakamas and Augrabies Falls on the South Bank of the Orange. Shaped Like The Head of a Rhinoceros, a Projectory Ledge of Rock Represents The Horn. Nama: Inawas (Rhinoceros) Tanas [now Danas] (Head) '.
afr Die aanhaling uit Albrecht dien net om aan te dui dat die pleknaam vir 'n op- vallende berg vroeg reeds sy ou inheemse naam afgestaan het. Mossop 1935 in ’n voetnoot by Wikar deel die nodige mee. 'The hill, a striking landmark, lies between Kakamas and Augrabies Falls on the South bank of the Orange. Shaped like the head of a rhinoceros, a projectory ledge of rock represents the horn. Nama: INawas (rhinoceros) tanas [nou danas] (head)'.
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