
The station is at the main line, east of Karasburg and close to the eastern border. Dr. Vedder's wealthy statement finds us unconvincing. Krenz and Christian talk about different plants, the one pronounced with the lateral, the other with the dental suction; From peacock, apparently in his one possibility on the raisin bush.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2819
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Vedder S.J. QUELEN 2 20 'NAMAǃ AWI-AM-╪GAB. ES Befindet Sich Dort Eine Weite Fläche (╪gab), IIB (AM) The Man Weit Hin Road Spahen (ǃ AWI) Kann. Spahfläche '. Of Vredes 1961 Origin 165 'Ariamsvlei ... Three statements for Ariam: 1. Skurwebek; 2. Bossie with red berries; 3. Storten. [At 1:] nama = ╪ari = bars; AMS = mouth ... a flattery surface that forms cracks after rainfall evaporates ... 'Stadler JJ 1973 Pastor questionnaire' Ariamsvlei, pronounced TJ-Ariam, TJ with tongue. Village and railway station, 16 km from the border upcoming Upington. Meaning unsure; According to the Namas first given to a red dune, then on the marsh. Some whites mean it means 'Capricorn', the Namas contradicts it. ' Krenz FK 1974 Farmer Note 'of ǀǀ Ari = Rosin Bush, Grewia Sp.' Christian Marcus 1974 Driver Conversation 'ǀ Ariam-Ikobib, the Ikobib is the vlei [usually Ikuwib]. The ǀ Ari is also a bush ... its roots are flat in the ground; Then they are grieving for him and then they dry. They always use him as medicine ... '
afr Vedder s.j. Quellen 2 20 'Nama ǃAwi-am-╪gab. Es befindet sich dort eine weite Fläche (╪gab), iiber (am) die man weit hinweg spahen (ǃawi) kann. SpahFläche'. Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 165 'Ariamsvlei...Drie verklarings vir Ariam: 1. Skurwebek; 2. Bossie met rooi bessies; 3. Stortreen. [By 1.:] Nama =╪ari = bars; ams = mond ...’n Vleiagtige oppervlakte wat barste vorm nadat reenwater verdamp het...' Stadler JJ 1973 Predikant Vraelys 'Ariamsvlei, uitgespreek Tj-ariam, tj- met tongklap. Dorp en spoorwegstasie, 16 km van die grens af komende van Upington. Betekenis onseker; volgens die Namas eers gegee aan ’n rooi duin, toe aan die vlei. Enkele Blankes meen dit beteken ‘Steenbok’, die Namas weerspreek dit.' Krenz FK 1974 Boer Aantekening 'Van ǀǀari = rosyntjiebos, Grewia sp.' Christian Marcus 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'ǀAriam-Ikobib, die Ikobib is die vlei [gewoonlik Ikuwib]. Die ǀari is ook ’n wortels le plat in die grond; dan grou hulle vir horn en dan maak hulle horn droog. Hulle gebruik horn altyd as medisyne...'
eng Brosdoringmond (Vlei)
afr Brosdoringmond (Vlei)
eng The station is at the main line, east of Karasburg and close to the eastern border. Dr. Vedder's wealthy statement finds us unconvincing. Krenz and Christian talk about different plants, the one pronounced with the lateral, the other with the dental suction; From peacock, apparently in his one possibility on the raisin bush.
afr Die stasie le aan die hooflyn, oos van Karasburg en na aan die oosgrens. Dr Vedder se spitsvondige verklaring vind ons onoortuigend. Krenz en Christian praat oor verskillende plante, die een uitgespreek met die laterale, die ander met die dentale suigklap; Van Vreeden doel klaarblyklik in sy een moontlikheid ook op die rosyntjiebos.
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