
The alternative name, Inland, viz. NaB is undoubtedly the oldest of the two, and also the spelling of his translation, Schuitdrift, testifies to a reasonable age. The inland name was lost. The -drift is an addition. Naob is like Namaǃ NaO- = log, as 'ship' have served for oorvaarte there, and that the property is loaded (Namaǃ Nao = 'loading packen, bepacken' - Kr.-R. 1969 NW 281) that had to be overlaid. The old name also stuck a piece of cultural history. The -B shows that the elongated shape is experienced male for its categorization as a genus index.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2819
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Schuitdrift)
eng Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Schuitdrift (NAB)', drift over the Orange River.
afr Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Schuitdrift (Naob)', drif oor die Oranjerivier.
eng The alternative name, Inland, viz. NaB is undoubtedly the oldest of the two, and also the spelling of his translation, Schuitdrift, testifies to a reasonable age. The inland name was lost. The -drift is an addition. Naob is like Namaǃ NaO- = log, as 'ship' have served for oorvaarte there, and that the property is loaded (Namaǃ Nao = 'loading packen, bepacken' - Kr.-R. 1969 NW 281) that had to be overlaid. The old name also stuck a piece of cultural history. The -B shows that the elongated shape is experienced male for its categorization as a genus index.
afr Die alternatiewe naam, inlands, nl. Naob, is ongetwyfeld die oudste van die twee, en ook die spelling van sy vertaling, Schuitdrift, getuig van 'n redelike ouderdom. Die inlandse naam het verlore gegaan. Die -drift is ’n toevoeging. Naob is soos Nama ǃnao- = boomstomp, wat as 'skuit' diens gedoen het vir oorvaarte daar, en waarop die goed gelaai word (Nama ǃnao = 'laden, packen, bepacken' - Kr.-R. 1969 NW 281) wat oorgeroei moes word. Aan die ou naam sit ook ’n stukkie kultuurgeskiedenis vas. Die -b toon aan dat die langwerpige skuitvorm manlik ervaar word vir sy kategorisering as genusindeks.
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