
Compiled from: ǀ U = Brak, and Dawe - What at Mrs. Bracker for the 'Brakbos', probably the Solsola Fuliginosa, but the common name covers so many kinds that it is better to read the long outline at Smith 1966 CNSAP 173 e.v. In any case, the informants are said that the Abiekwabos specifically meant, D.W.S. The Tamarix USNeoides, which cannot be a Solsola, M.A.W. Here is a contradiction, not in the analysis, but in the identification, which is to solve locally. The river name is to declare the same as the name for farm number 77, it runs through the farm. The accent falls on the second syllabe.

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Georeference Sources
S 2819
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Wandres C 1887 QUELEN 9 37 'Utabis ... IST QUENTUM EINES HANDLERS IM MIERSCHEN FELDE'. Vice 1893 card 'udabis'. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Udabis', source. Brecher Eh 1973 Housewife Questionnaire 'Udabes, Farm No 77 Dist. Karasburg, also river. Means 'Brakbos', 'salt-abicwa', because of the abicon of the abique. The river running through the farm's name is the Udabis River. The young, a farm worker, says the name means 'Brakbos'. ' Nearest town is Karasburg. Christian M 1974 Driver Conversation 'ǀ Udabis, that's where the young dabbing trees are, he is oblery, ǀ
afr Wandres C 1887 Quellen 9 37 'Utabis...ist Eigentum eines Handlers im Mierschen Felde'. Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀUdabis'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Udabis', bron. Brecher EH 1973 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Udabes, plaas nr 77 dist. Karasburg, ook rivier. Beteken ‘Brakbos’, ‘Sout-abiekwa’, as gevolg van die abiekwabosse wat hier staan. Die rivier wat deur die plaas loop se naam is Die Udabisrivier. Die jong, 'n plaasarbeider, se die naam beteken ‘Brakbos’.' Naaste dorp is Karasburg. Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'ǀUdabis, dis nou waar die jong dab- biebome is, hy is suurderig, ǀu is suur'.
eng Compiled from: ǀ U = Brak, and Dawe - What at Mrs. Bracker for the 'Brakbos', probably the Solsola Fuliginosa, but the common name covers so many kinds that it is better to read the long outline at Smith 1966 CNSAP 173 e.v. In any case, the informants are said that the Abiekwabos specifically meant, D.W.S. The Tamarix USNeoides, which cannot be a Solsola, M.A.W. Here is a contradiction, not in the analysis, but in the identification, which is to solve locally. The river name is to declare the same as the name for farm number 77, it runs through the farm. The accent falls on the second syllabe.
afr Saamgestel uit: ǀu = brak, en dawe- wat by mev. Brecher vir die 'brakbos' staan, waarskynlik die Salsola fuliginosa, maar die volksnaam dek soveel soorte dat dit beter is om die lang uiteensetting te lees by Smith 1966 CNSAP 173 e.v. In ieder geval word deur die informante gesê dat hier spesifiek die abiekwabos bedoel word, d.w.s. die Tamarix usneoides, wat nie 'n Salsola kan wees nie, m.a.w. hier is 'n teenstrydigheid, nie in di ontleding nie, maar wel in die identifikasie, wat plaaslik op te los is. Die riviernaam is eenders te verklaar as die naam vir plaas nommer 77, dit loop deur die plaas. Die aksent val op die tweede sillabe.
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