
Here are two-buoying farms, Naruchas No. 49 and N.-East No. 50. The name shows the usual change again N and H (cf. 5 d 6) for which the ground word today through eg. Kr. 1969 NW 158 spelled as . The -s here that the starting point of the name was probably a fountain. 'Breeds, -fontein'. From several returns, we just gave this one case - there is no difference in explanation with the other.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2818
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Rabinowitz B 1973 Farmer Questionnaire 'Naruchas, Farm No. 49, Dist. Karasburg, 12 km south of Karasburg. Means' the rush at the wells, of Tjaru (Naru) = cushion, and gas = puts. So called, because the waterhole is really with the rushes; There is a windmill today on the wells near the rushes '.
afr Rabinowitz B 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Naruchas, plaas nr 49, dist. Karasburg, 12 km suid van Karasburg. Beteken ‘Die biesie by die puts, van tjaru (naru-) = biesie, en gas = puts. So genoem, want die watergat is werklik by die biesies; daar is 'n windpomp vandag op die puts naby die biesies'.
eng Here are two-buoying farms, Naruchas No. 49 and N.-East No. 50. The name shows the usual change again N and H (cf. 5 d 6) for which the ground word today through eg. Kr. 1969 NW 158 spelled as . The -s here that the starting point of the name was probably a fountain. 'Breeds, -fontein'. From several returns, we just gave this one case - there is no difference in explanation with the other.
afr Hier is twee belendende plase, Naruchas nr 49 en N.-Oos nr 50. Die naam toon weer die gewone wisseling n- en h- (vgl. 5 D 6) waarvoor die grondwoord vandag deur bv. Kr.-R. 1969 NW 158 gespel word as ǀharu- = 'die Binse...Binsenmatte...' Die -cha- is ook te verstaan soos Nama -xa- = baie, ryk aan (biesies, hier), anders soos by die plaaseienaar. Die -s se hier dat die beginpunt van die naam waarskynlik 'n fontein was. 'Biesiesputs, -fontein'. Uit verskeie opgawes het ons net hierdie een geval gegee - daar is by die ander geen verskil in uitleg nie.
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