
There has little doubts about the derivation. It comes from the year of its first known recording, 1779, for as in translation sheepweg / road (Gordon). Pastor W. Moritz calls His suspicion N.A.V. The almost equivalentǃ Hudaob or 'Sandweg' to the Kuiseb; There is no documentary regulation for the alleged difference, still at Wikar, still at Gordon. The Magistrate of Williston brings the name to the pillar, SESA with the door, and there is room for other poetry rings that do not affect the derivation of the name. Schultze mentions 'Goodhouse' in his English form in his book that appeared in 1907. So there can not hide much truth in the report in the 14th of 14. 1949 occurred. Prof. PJ Nienaber 1963 SAPW 227 Take it together: 'The name [Gudaos] was deformed by Carl Wiedner who resided at Goodhouse since 1913, where he built in 1922 ... a ferry over the Orange River. He is in Feb. 1949 died '. This is 102 km north of Springbok. It served as a passage to SWA before the bridge and tar road were used via Vioolsdrift. At-time, vehicles with a ferry were taken over the Orange River - the Pont exists today. Gu = sheep, dao-s = (here) drift. 'Sheep Thrif', 'sheep port'.

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Georeference Sources
K 2818
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Goodhouse
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Wikar 1779 Vrv 15 20 ' Syn lower place Comes the way good daos) '. ' PNK Letter of Magistrate at Williston 'Goodhouse. Is a distortion of the hotnot word [next door inserted: gaodaos] which means at the open place or at the drinking place ... where the hotnots earlier let their cattle drink ... 'Moritz 1971 Museum 3/3 Sept. 1971 6. Das G Bei Gus Connes Für Einen Schnalzlaut Beschrieben Signal Und Dan War der Namanameǃ SESA 1972 5 268 'Goodhouse ... Gudaos ... Gu Means Sheep, and Daos a Path; Hence The Names Significies The Trail Along Which The Namas Trekked with Their Sheep From Little Namaqualand to Great Namaqualand '.
afr Wikar 1779 VRV 15 20 'Toen...vond ik onder de Compagnies wagendrift (namelyk waar Hoppe zyn togt door gegaan is), aan de Gaedous eenige Hottentotten...' Gordon 1779 ms 2 87 '...vond schoenmaker hier synde van syn onderste plaats gekomen dese hiet Goedouw...' [Boaan Goedouw staan geskryf 'Schape weg'.l Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 169 'Gudaos, Goodhouse, Grundwasserstelle im Oranjefluss zwischen Henkriesfontein und Ramansdrift, ‘Die Schaf-(gui) Pforte (daos)’.' PNK brief van landdros te Williston 'Goodhouse. Is ’n verdraaiing van die Hotnotwoord [langsaan ingevoeg: Gaodaos] wat beteken by die oop plek of by die drinkplek...waar die Hotnots vroeër hulle vee laat drink het...' Moritz 1971 Museum 3/3 Sept. 1971 6 '...In Wikars Tagebuch heisst der Name Goedous und wird von Mossop als sheep-path gedeutet, gus ist in Nama Schafherde. Das G bei gus konnte für einen Schnalzlaut geschrieben sein und dan war der Namaname ǃhus...ǃHu-daob ware dann die Sanddrift oder der Sandweg, was ja auch der friihesten Beschreibung dieser Stelle entspricht'. SESA 1972 5 268 'Goodhouse...Gudaos...Gu means sheep, and daos a path; hence the name signifies the trail along which the Namas trekked with their sheep from little Namaqualand to Great Namaqualand'.
eng There has little doubts about the derivation. It comes from the year of its first known recording, 1779, for as in translation sheepweg / road (Gordon). Pastor W. Moritz calls His suspicion N.A.V. The almost equivalentǃ Hudaob or 'Sandweg' to the Kuiseb; There is no documentary regulation for the alleged difference, still at Wikar, still at Gordon. The Magistrate of Williston brings the name to the pillar, SESA with the door, and there is room for other poetry rings that do not affect the derivation of the name. Schultze mentions 'Goodhouse' in his English form in his book that appeared in 1907. So there can not hide much truth in the report in the 14th of 14. 1949 occurred. Prof. PJ Nienaber 1963 SAPW 227 Take it together: 'The name [Gudaos] was deformed by Carl Wiedner who resided at Goodhouse since 1913, where he built in 1922 ... a ferry over the Orange River. He is in Feb. 1949 died '. This is 102 km north of Springbok. It served as a passage to SWA before the bridge and tar road were used via Vioolsdrift. At-time, vehicles with a ferry were taken over the Orange River - the Pont exists today. Gu = sheep, dao-s = (here) drift. 'Sheep Thrif', 'sheep port'.
afr Daar hoef weinig twyfel oor die afleiding te bestaan. Dit kom van die jaar van sy eerste bekende optekening, 1779, voor as in vertaling Skaapweg/pad (Gordon). Pastor W. Moritz noem sy vermoede n.a.v. die byna gelykluidende ǃHudaob of 'Sandweg' aan die Kuiseb; daar is geen dokumentere regver- diging vir die vermeende verskrywing nie, nog by Wikar, nog by Gordon. Die landdros van Williston bring die naam in verband met die suipplek, SESA met die deurtrekplek, en daar is ruimte vir ander poetise rings wat nie die afleiding van die naam aantas nie. Schultze noem 'Goodhouse' in sy Engelse vorm ook al in sy boek wat in 1907 verskyn het. Daar kan dus nie veel waarheid in die berig skuil wat in Die Burger van 14 Feb. 1949 voorgekom het nie. Prof. PJ Nienaber 1963 SAPW 227 vat dit so saam: 'Die naam [Gudaos] is vervorm deur Carl Wiedner wat sedert 1913 op Goodhouse woonagtig was, waar hy in 1922...'n pont oor die Oranjerivier gebou het. Hy is in Febr. 1949 oorlede'. Dit le 102 km noord van Springbok. Dit het as deurgang tot SWA gedien voor die brug en teerpad via Vioolsdrift in gebruik geneem is. Op -n tyd is voertuie met ’n pont oor die Oranjerivier geneem — die pont bestaan glo vandag nog. Gu = skaap, dao-s = (hier) drif. 'Skaapdrif', 'Skaappoort'.
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