
Dabegabis is farm No. 122, Dist. Karasburg, to the Horn, and lies on the eponymous 'river'. Earlier it was very well known as a pilot at the waters of the fountains; There was also a recruit at a time, so from Jacob Christiaan by 1870 (Weber 1873). One would have been inclined to declare it as Dawe (about the first component Dawe- = Tamarix USNEOIDES there is no doubt), plus -Xa- = rich in, and -bi-location, with -s, the Fern., for water sites, thus the 'Dawerykfontein'. But the independent indications of Weber and Hahn, viz. That the second component is Igabis makes it faulty. The alternative name of Spread Misel, viz. 'Awigas back' may offer the answer. Theǃ Ga-B is the nama word for 'back' or 'ridge'. Also the spelling of Alexander seems to confirm it. She-Knabies (reading the kn- like English Kn-Ave, we think), is his attempt to bring the Member's marking. Then perhaps translate as 'Daveran' or 'Daver', at the foot of which the Fonteirule, with the -S to indicate a water location.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2818
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander JE 1836 EDIA I 202 '... WE ARRIVED AT THE WATER, AT DUBBEE KNABIES, THE PLACE OF DUBBEE OR TAMARK TREES, 6 HOURS FROM THE BATH'. Weber FW 1873 QUELEN 8 107 '... AUF DABELGABES, 5 STUNDEN VON WARMAD ...' HAHN TH 1879 MAP 'DABE-ǃ GABES'. Dies. Vipert 1893 card. Sprigade - Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Dawegabis (Awigas back)'. Van Zyl Tat 1974 Housewife Questionnaire 'Dabegabis. Means 'place of saltbos', so called because there are many dabebossies (certain kind of salt forest) in the course of the river on the farm. Along the farm is a Roman Mission Station, 'the place' means. ' Christian M 1974 Driver Conversation 'Dabegabis is ... a Waterfontein. ǃ Gab = fountain, and Dabebosse is very much there, they are oxy and make the water brittle '.
afr Alexander JE 1836 EDIA I 202 '...we arrived at the water, at Dubbee Knabies, the place of Dubbee or tamarisk trees, 6 hours from the Bath'. Weber FW 1873 Quellen 8 107 '...auf Dabelgabes, 5 Stunden von Warm- bad...' Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Dabe-ǃgabes'. Dies. Kiepert 1893 kaart. Sprigade- Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Dawegabis (Awigas-Rug)'. Van Zyl TAT 1974 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Dabegabis. Beteken ‘Plek van Soutbos’, so genoem omdat daar baie dabebossies (sekere soort soutbos) in die loop van die rivier op die plaas voorkom. langs die plaas is ’n Roomse sendingstasie geleë, beteken ‘Die Plek’.' Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'Dabegabis is...’n waterfontein. ǃGab = fontein, en dabebosse is baie daar, hulle is suurderig en maak die water brakkerig'.
eng Dawerantjie of Dawerug
afr Dawerantjie of Dawerug
eng Dabegabis is farm No. 122, Dist. Karasburg, to the Horn, and lies on the eponymous 'river'. Earlier it was very well known as a pilot at the waters of the fountains; There was also a recruit at a time, so from Jacob Christiaan by 1870 (Weber 1873). One would have been inclined to declare it as Dawe (about the first component Dawe- = Tamarix USNEOIDES there is no doubt), plus -Xa- = rich in, and -bi-location, with -s, the Fern., for water sites, thus the 'Dawerykfontein'. But the independent indications of Weber and Hahn, viz. That the second component is Igabis makes it faulty. The alternative name of Spread Misel, viz. 'Awigas back' may offer the answer. Theǃ Ga-B is the nama word for 'back' or 'ridge'. Also the spelling of Alexander seems to confirm it. She-Knabies (reading the kn- like English Kn-Ave, we think), is his attempt to bring the Member's marking. Then perhaps translate as 'Daveran' or 'Daver', at the foot of which the Fonteirule, with the -S to indicate a water location.
afr Dabegabis is plaas nr 122, dist. Karasburg, aan die Horn, en le aan die gelyknamige 'rivier'. vroeër was dit baie bekend as ’n uitspanning by die waters van die fonteine; daar was op ’n keer ook ’n werf, so van Jakob Christiaan teen 1870 (Weber 1873). Mens sou geneig gewees het om dit te verklaar as dawe- (oor die eerste komponent dawe- = Tamarix usneoides skyn daar geen twyfel te wees nie), plus -xa- = ryk aan, en -bi- plekduidend, met -s, die fern., vir waterplekke, dus die 'Dawerykfontein'. Maar die onafhanklike aanduidings van Weber en Hahn, nl. dat die tweede komponent Igabis is, maak dit foutief. Die alternatiewe naam van Sprigade-Moisel, nl. 'Awigas- Rug', bied miskien die antwoord. Die ǃga-b is dan wel die Namawoord vir 'rug' of 'rantjie'. Ook die spelling van Alexander skyn dit te bevestig. Sy -knabies (die kn- te lees soos Engels kn-ave, meen ons), is sy poging om die nasalering van die lid Igabis uit te bring. Dan miskien te vertaal as 'Daweran- tjie' of 'Dawerug', aan die voet waarvan die fonteirule, met die -s ter aan- duiding van ’n waterplek.
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