
The Ky - Like Nama Kai = Great, and the Member Gariep (with river nominous exit -B, spelled here -P, Masc. Sing.) In the meaning of 'river', (cf. Gariep, statements like those of Hahn TH 1901), give as a literal translation of 'Ky Gariep', in the words of Wesleyan missionary Ridsdale, 'Great River'. The quotes, especially the earlier, as recorded under Gariep, prove that the oldest name of the river was among all layers of the whites 'Groot River'. Now we learn that the new missionary, heading for his post to 'Nisbett Bath', today Warmbaths, says that Kygariep was the general inland name. The fascinating question is now whether 'Groot River' is the literal translation of the old inland name, then whether it is, on the same grounds as for the inlanders, independent of them by the whites is constantly nominated. Both possibilities exist, the pattern, however, is that 'Groot River' is well conceivable.

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Georeference Sources
K 2816 by uitmonding
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
by uitmonding ('n ou naam vir Grootrivier, d.i. Oranjerivier)
eng Ridsdale B 1844 Scenes 43 '...I trod the soil of Great Namaqualand, of which the Ky Gariep, the native name for the Orange River, is the southern boundary...' Dieselfde aldaar 53 '...the rugged walls of the Ky Gariep, i.e. the Great River, as the natives call it...'
afr Ridsdale B 1844 Scenes 43 '...I trod the soil of Great Namaqualand, of which the Ky Gariep, the native name for the Orange River, is the southern boundary...' Dieselfde aldaar 53 '...the rugged walls of the Ky Gariep, i.e. the Great River, as the natives call it...'
eng The Ky - Like Nama Kai = Great, and the Member Gariep (with river nominous exit -B, spelled here -P, Masc. Sing.) In the meaning of 'river', (cf. Gariep, statements like those of Hahn TH 1901), give as a literal translation of 'Ky Gariep', in the words of Wesleyan missionary Ridsdale, 'Great River'. The quotes, especially the earlier, as recorded under Gariep, prove that the oldest name of the river was among all layers of the whites 'Groot River'. Now we learn that the new missionary, heading for his post to 'Nisbett Bath', today Warmbaths, says that Kygariep was the general inland name. The fascinating question is now whether 'Groot River' is the literal translation of the old inland name, then whether it is, on the same grounds as for the inlanders, independent of them by the whites is constantly nominated. Both possibilities exist, the pattern, however, is that 'Groot River' is well conceivable.
afr Die Ky- is soos Nama kai = groot, en die lid -gariep (met rivierbenoemende uitgang -b, hier gespel -p, masc. sing.) in die betekenis van 'rivier', (vgl. GARIEP, uitsprake soos die van Hahn Th 1901), gee as letterlike vertaling van 'Ky Gariep', in die woorde van die Wesleyaanse sendeling Ridsdale, 'Great River'. Die aanhalings, veral die vroegstes, soos opgeneem onder GARIEP, bewys dat die oudste naam van die rivier onder alle lae van die Blankes 'Grootrivier' was. Nou verneem ons dat die nuwe sendeling, op pad na sy pos te 'Nisbett Bath', vandag Warmbad, se dat Kygariep die algemene inlandse naam was. Die boeiende vraag is nou of 'Grootrivier' die letterlike vertaling van die ou inlandse naam is, dan wel of dit, op dieselfde gronde as vir die inlanders, onafhanklik van hulle deur die Blankes gelyklopend benoem is. Albei moontlikhede bestaan, die patroon is egter dat 'Grootrivier' goed denkbaar vertaal is.
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