
Located 'IM Westlichen Nördlichen Klein-Namaland', on the lower run of the Orange River; It doesn't appear on his card. We also find it as (instead) name back in our lists for this neighborhood. Furthermore, Schultze that he could not find out the meaning but wanted to record and preserve the right judgment (with the suction consonants). The ǀ U- (first member) is pretty sure as Nama for 'brackish', but the second member can also not bring us home. Theǃ HU- is not printing error forǃ HU- = ground, land, bottom, not, because it knew Schultze. For us, the well-known change of N and H (cf. 5 d 6) is now also within the name itself, in the corpus of its composition.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2816 of 2817
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Scultze 1904-5 Anuk 169 'ǀ U-ǃ Hub, UUB'.
afr Schultze 1904-5 ANUK 169 'ǀU-ǃhub, Unub'.
eng Located 'IM Westlichen Nördlichen Klein-Namaland', on the lower run of the Orange River; It doesn't appear on his card. We also find it as (instead) name back in our lists for this neighborhood. Furthermore, Schultze that he could not find out the meaning but wanted to record and preserve the right judgment (with the suction consonants). The ǀ U- (first member) is pretty sure as Nama for 'brackish', but the second member can also not bring us home. Theǃ HU- is not printing error forǃ HU- = ground, land, bottom, not, because it knew Schultze. For us, the well-known change of N and H (cf. 5 d 6) is now also within the name itself, in the corpus of its composition.
afr geleë 'im westlichen nördlichen Klein-Namaland', aan die benedeloop van die Oranjerivier; dit verskyn nie op sy kaart nie. Ook vind ons dit nie as (plaas)naam terug in ons lyste vir hierdie buurt nie. Verder se Schultze dat hy nie die betekenis kon uitvind nie maar darem die regte uitspraak (met die suigkonsonante) wou opteken en bewaar. Die ǀu- (eerste lid) is taamlik seker soos Nama vir 'brak', maar die tweede lid kan ook ons nie tuisbring nie. Die ǃhu- is wel nie drukfout vir ǃhu- = grond, land, bodem, nie, want dit het Schultze geken. Vir ons van belang is die bekende wisseling van n- en h- (vgl. 5 D 6) nou ook binne die naam self, in die korpus van sy samestelling.
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