
The comma in front of Stow stands for the suction sound. The change K and H- is simply, so K-monkey, GH monkey and H-monkey are much preventative game variants in the old documentations. Cfg. Of Vredes 1961 Origin 14, 74, 293-4, 307-8, and Slead CJ 1973 Gazette 87 S.V. Cape Plateau.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2823 AD/BC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Stow 1905 Native Races 278 '... as Far to the Westward as The Ridge of the 'Cape, Near Upper Campbell ...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 20-1 'The Extensive Limestone Plateau in Griqualand West, Now Known as The Campbell Rand , Known to the Korannas is the ╪hab, this word bone-European into 'Cape, IT Means A Large Plain '. SESA 1972 5 190 'Ghaap Plateau ... 130 km Wide, Stretching from the Harts River In The East to Kuruman Hills in the West, and From The Confluence of the Vaal and Orange Rivers in the South Bank in The North ... 'Raper 1972 Regional names 54' Ghaap (k 28 23) ... Also known as the Ghaap- Plato, Ghaapsberg, Cape Serg and Cape Plateau ... On the one hand, it is claimed to be [the name] related to the GhaaP plant (Trichocaulon piliferum), and on the other hand that it relates to the word 'Cape'. Actually, the name of Kora origin ... They call it ╪hab, which means 'flat mountain' or 'plateau', substantiated ǀǀ Hawawa, 'flat' ... The Griquas (name it) ╪Haap, what Over time, KGAIP has changed ... the whites ... called it 'Cape Town'. Since they did not know the meaning of the original name ╪hab, they added the suffix '-BERG' and 'plateau' ... Ghaapsberg and Cape State now before '.
afr Stow 1905 Native Races 278 ' far to the westward as the ridge of the ’Kaap, near Upper Campbell...' Pettman 1931 SAPN 20-1 'The extensive limestone plateau in Griqualand West, now known as the Campbell Rand, is known to the Korannas as the ╪hab, this word has been-Europeanised into ’Kaap, it means a large plain'. SESA 1972 5 190 'Ghaap Plateau...130 km wide, stretching from the Harts River in the east to Kuruman Hills in the west, and from the confluence of the Vaal and Orange Rivers in the south to Vryburg in the north...' Raper 1972 Streekname 54 'Ghaap (K 28 23)...ook bekend as die Ghaap- plato, Ghaapseberg, Kaapseberg en Kaap Plateau...aan die een kant word beweer dat dit [die naam] in verband staan met die ghaapplant (Trichocaulon piliferum), en aan die ander kant dat dit betrekking het op die woord ‘kaap’. Eintlik is die naam van Kora-oorsprong...Hulle noem dit ╪hab, wat 'plat berg’ of ‘plato’ beteken, gesubstantiveer uit ǀǀhawa, ‘plat’... Die Griekwas (noem dit) ╪haap, wat met verloop van tyd in Kgaap verander het...die Blankes...het dit kortweg ‘Kaap’ genoem. Aangesien hulle nie die betekenis van die oorspronklike naam ╪hab geken het nie, het hulle sonder meer die agtervoegsel '-berg' en ‘-plato’ bygevoeg... Ghaapseberg en Kaapseberg kom nou voor'.
eng The comma in front of Stow stands for the suction sound. The change K and H- is simply, so K-monkey, GH monkey and H-monkey are much preventative game variants in the old documentations. Cfg. Of Vredes 1961 Origin 14, 74, 293-4, 307-8, and Slead CJ 1973 Gazette 87 S.V. Cape Plateau.
afr Die komma vooraan by Stow staan vir die suigklank. Die wisseling k- en h- is gewoon, dus is K-aap, Gh-aap en H-aap veel voorkomende spelvariante in die ou dokumentasies. Vgl. Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 14, 74, 293-4, 307-8, en Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 87 s.v. Kaap Plateau.
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