
The same at SHEAD CJ 1973 Gazette 62 for 'Gatkop'. This head falls up and listed in the stories of O.A. Borcherds 1801, Lichtenstein 1805, Burchell 1812, Campbell 1813 ('Blink Hill, BLENK MOUNTAIN'), E.A. His one in-country name was recorded by Borcherds (cf. Goayya). The alternative name made us suspect that the member is not Afrikaans, but Kora / Griqua for 'shiny' for which we have the equivalent in Nama asǃ Ga (t) - adj. IGATSI = 'Hell, Clar ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 85). The 'bright' is n.a.v. the blinking resemblance of the rock.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2823 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Blinkklipkop
eng Van Vreden 1961 Origin 302 'Gatop, common name for shiny rock ... Day of haematite ore ...' Dies. Aid. 'Blinklipkop ... 3 miles [5 km] Northeast of Postmasburg ...'
afr Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 302 'Gatkoppie, volksnaam vir Blinkklipkop... dagsoom van haematietagtige erts...' Dies. aid. 'Blinkklipkop...3 myl [5 km] noordoos van Postmasburg...'
eng The same at SHEAD CJ 1973 Gazette 62 for 'Gatkop'. This head falls up and listed in the stories of O.A. Borcherds 1801, Lichtenstein 1805, Burchell 1812, Campbell 1813 ('Blink Hill, BLENK MOUNTAIN'), E.A. His one in-country name was recorded by Borcherds (cf. Goayya). The alternative name made us suspect that the member is not Afrikaans, but Kora / Griqua for 'shiny' for which we have the equivalent in Nama asǃ Ga (t) - adj. IGATSI = 'Hell, Clar ...' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 85). The 'bright' is n.a.v. the blinking resemblance of the rock.
afr Dieselfde by Skead CJ 1973 Gazetteer 62 vir 'Gatkop'. Hierdie kop val op en word vermeld in die verhale van o.a. Borcherds 1801, lichtenstein 1805, Burchell 1812, Campbell 1813 ('Blink Hill, Blenk Mountain'), e.a. Sy een in- landse naam is deur Borcherds opgeteken (vgl. GOAYPA). Die alternatiewe naam het ons laat vermoed dat die lid Gat- nie Afrikaans is nie, maar wel Kora/Griekwa vir 'blink' waarvoor ons die ekwivalent in Nama het as ǃga(t)- adj. Igatsi = 'hell, klar...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 85). Die 'helder' is n.a.v. die blinkende weerskyn van die gesteente.
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