
The river runs from the north south in the Orange River approximately opposite Onseepkans to bone break. It is difficult to put it on the old cards exactly because of the leaches. The river can only be the Velloor River, or perhaps the Grass Water River. The old name was lost. Also about its meaning we have no good directions, and our most reliable vessels and experts also couldn't help us. The dictionaries also let us down. The closest is perhaps (off on the sound) Nama ǀ Kura = 'The Beim Orakery relatives Ora-kelstreifen, Orakrachen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 252). Dr. Hahn could have told usǃ Our only profit is that an old name has been preserved, if not its meaning, and that it was the old name, as far as the old and poor cards allow us to make a conclusion, from Velloor River. About the degree of sometimes very substantial leaches at Hahn 1879, at Hoacha Nas BV. 0.4 'and 5.8', see the article of PLM in Survey News Survey- News Oct. 1979 Titled 'Anarrly Map of South West Africa / Namibia' 9- whether it does not contain the answer to the questions.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2819 AC/CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
miskien ou naam van Velloorrivier
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn Th 1879 Kaart 'ǀ Khurarub R (Iver)'. Veillet S.J. Kaart 'ǀ Khurarub Riv.'
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀKhurarub R(iver)'. Veillet s.j. kaart 'ǀKhurarub Riv.'
eng The river runs from the north south in the Orange River approximately opposite Onseepkans to bone break. It is difficult to put it on the old cards exactly because of the leaches. The river can only be the Velloor River, or perhaps the Grass Water River. The old name was lost. Also about its meaning we have no good directions, and our most reliable vessels and experts also couldn't help us. The dictionaries also let us down. The closest is perhaps (off on the sound) Nama ǀ Kura = 'The Beim Orakery relatives Ora-kelstreifen, Orakrachen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 252). Dr. Hahn could have told usǃ Our only profit is that an old name has been preserved, if not its meaning, and that it was the old name, as far as the old and poor cards allow us to make a conclusion, from Velloor River. About the degree of sometimes very substantial leaches at Hahn 1879, at Hoacha Nas BV. 0.4 'and 5.8', see the article of PLM in Survey News Survey- News Oct. 1979 Titled 'Anarrly Map of South West Africa / Namibia' 9- whether it does not contain the answer to the questions.
afr Die rivier loop uit die noorde suidwaarts in die Oranjerivier ongeveer teenoor Onseepkans op na Beenbreek. Dit is moeilik om dit op die ou kaarte presies te situeer vanweë die miswysings. Die rivier kan net die Velloorrivier wees, of dalk die Graswaterrivier. Die ou naam het verlore geraak. Ook oor sy betekenis het ons geen goeie aanwysings nie, en ons betroubaarste segsliede en kenners kon ons ook nie kwoteerbaar help nie. Ook die woordeboeke laat ons in die steek. Die naaste is miskien (af- gaande op die klank) Nama ǀkura = 'die beim Orakeln verwandten Ora- kelstreifen, Orakelstabchen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 252). Dr Hahn sou ons kon gesê hetǃ Ons enigste wins is dat 'n ou naam bewaar gebly het, indien dan nie sy betekenis nie, en dat dit die ou naam was, vir sover die ou en swak kaarte ons toelaat om ’n gevolgtrekking te maak, van Velloorrivier. Oor die mate van soms heel aansienlike miswysings by Hahn 1879, by Hoacha- nas bv. 0,4’ en 5,8’, kyk die artikel van PlM in Opmetingsnuus-Survey- news Okt. 1979 getitel 'An early map of South West Africa/Namibia' 9- 19. Mnr Krenz FK 1979 Boer het bostaande geleës en skryf daarby ’n Kant- tekening: 'ǀKhura = zittern, ǀkhuraro = ein wenig zittern', en vra of dit nie die antwoord op die vrae bevat nie.
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