Koeroegab, Kuruga

The name was discussed in th a ** 739-740. The survey of the survey (dated 1966) stated that the name's meaning is 'unknown', but a second hand, that of someone who was later consulted, expressed the suspicion that the name 'quartz-rich mountain ' mean. We now point to another possibility that we want to accept provisionally. The mountains often reflected numbers, so at Gordon 'De Two Broeders', on the census card of 1891 'Twin Hills', etc. on the said card and at Veillet SJ come on K 2816 B before 'Five Sister Hills', with Five circles signed up northeast of the Kodas River. On the Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2816 Alexander Bay is eastern and just south of the Kuruga '. But the same ridge appears on the corresponding topographical map 1974 as' Kooegab '.' Five 'Is in Nama Koro, in Old Cape Kouru, Kourou, Kurruh, etc., for the variants watch Hott, stretching on 169.' Sister 'is in Namaǃ Ga, the whole Kourouga- + the ml. EKV. Exit -B that indicates independent river and (as here) mountain names. 'Five Simples', as the name occurs on maps today for the western part of this mountain mass, then translate the old Khoekhoense name that has been preserved in 'Kooega-B' or 'Kuruga' for the acting eastern and whore portion. All circumstances are pleading with the audio queue for this Koeroe- = five (ie Koro), and not 'quartz' (ie ǀǀ guru), and that this -ga-b = sister (s), and not 'many' Not, ie not like Nama -Xa.

About this item

Koeroegab, Kuruga
Alternative Title
Koeroegab, Kuruga
Georeference Sources
K 2817 AC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Vyfsusters
eng The name was discussed in th a ** 739-740. The survey of the survey (dated 1966) stated that the name's meaning is 'unknown', but a second hand, that of someone who was later consulted, expressed the suspicion that the name 'quartz-rich mountain ' mean. We now point to another possibility that we want to accept provisionally. The mountains often reflected numbers, so at Gordon 'De Two Broeders', on the census card of 1891 'Twin Hills', etc. on the said card and at Veillet SJ come on K 2816 B before 'Five Sister Hills', with Five circles signed up northeast of the Kodas River. On the Topo Cadastral Series 1966 Skin 2816 Alexander Bay is eastern and just south of the Kuruga '. But the same ridge appears on the corresponding topographical map 1974 as' Kooegab '.' Five 'Is in Nama Koro, in Old Cape Kouru, Kourou, Kurruh, etc., for the variants watch Hott, stretching on 169.' Sister 'is in Namaǃ Ga, the whole Kourouga- + the ml. EKV. Exit -B that indicates independent river and (as here) mountain names. 'Five Simples', as the name occurs on maps today for the western part of this mountain mass, then translate the old Khoekhoense name that has been preserved in 'Kooega-B' or 'Kuruga' for the acting eastern and whore portion. All circumstances are pleading with the audio queue for this Koeroe- = five (ie Koro), and not 'quartz' (ie ǀǀ guru), and that this -ga-b = sister (s), and not 'many' Not, ie not like Nama -Xa.
afr Die naam is bespreek in TH A** 739-740. Die invuller van die formulier vir Opmeting (gedateer 1966) het verklaar dat die naam se betekenis 'Onbekend' is, maar 'n tweede hand, wel die van iemand wat later ge- raadpleeg is, het die vermoede uitgespreek dat die naam 'Kwartsryke Berg' beteken. Ons wys nou op ’n ander moontlikheid wat ons voorlopig wil aanvaar. Die berge het baie keer getalle weergegee, so by Gordon 'De Twee Gebroeders', op die sensuskaart van 1891 'Twin Hills', ens. Op die genoemde kaart en by Veillet s.j. kom op K 2816 B voor 'Five Sister Hills', met vyf sirkeltjies ingeteken noordoostelik van die Kodasrivier. Op die Topo-Kadastrale reeks 1966 vel 2816 Alexander Bay staan oostelik daarvan en net suid van die Kookrivier ingeskryf 'Kuruga'. maar dieselfde bergrug verskyn op die ooreenstemmende Topografiese kaart 1974 as 'Koeroegab'. 'Vyf' is in Nama koro, in Ou-Kaaps kouru, kourou, kurruh ens., vir die variante kyk HOTT, uitslaanblad op 169. 'Suster' is in Nama ǃga-, die geheel Kourouga- + die ml. ekv. uitgang -b wat onomasties be- paaldelik rivier- en (soos hier) bergname aandui. 'Vyfsusters', soos die naam vandag op kaarte voorkom vir die westelike gedeelte van hierdie bergmassa, vertaal dan die ou Khoekhoense naam wat behoue gebly het in 'Koeroega-b' of 'Kuruga' vir die belendende oostelike en hoer gedeelte. Alle omstandighede pleit saam met die klankbousel daarvoor dat hierdie koeroe- = vyf (d.i. koro), en nie 'kwarts' (d.i. ǀǀguru) nie, en dat hierdie -ga-b = suster(s), en nie 'baie' nie, d.i. nie soos Nama -xa nie.
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