
The place name disappeared today; The place is currently called 'Wondergat'. 'Near Anniesfontein, 5 km from the Orange River, is The Wondergat, a Large Cave in A Hillock Which is Dreaded by The Namas, Who Believe That It is The Dwelling Place of Their Deity Heitsi EIBEB ...' (SESA 1973 9 345). laid on the numerous and numerous haitsi ǀ Indeed, Khodi or Heitsigrafte is strange that this Khoekhoen Savior and Combat of their enemy ╪ga- = Fgorib (= He who pours people in the abyss) is not being honored. According to the census card, Wondergat was known as the Heits-Eibebrot or just as Heitsi-Eibib, according to pronunciation by the English Landometer 'Hadge Aeebeep'. Over the saga should be eliminated elsewhere, but we, incidentally, a comment from Mr FK Krenz 1979 farms from his side drawing on the meaning of the hero figure's name, as he derives linguistically. It reads: 'ǀ Hai] = Grau, TSI (Person), EIB [AIB] = Fight; BIB (Desclecht) ', d.w.s. 'Gray face' or 'dull face' The first member is usually connected to Hai in the sense of 'tree / wood'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Heitsieibeb, -(Grot)
Georeference Sources
K 2816 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Alexander je 1s38 Map 'Cave of Heije Eibib'. SENSUSAK 1891 'Cave of Heidje Eibib or Hadge Aebeep'.
afr Alexander JE 1S38 Map 'Cave of Heije eibib'. Sensuskaart 1891 'Cave of Heidje Eibib or Hadge Aebeep'.
eng The place name disappeared today; The place is currently called 'Wondergat'. 'Near Anniesfontein, 5 km from the Orange River, is The Wondergat, a Large Cave in A Hillock Which is Dreaded by The Namas, Who Believe That It is The Dwelling Place of Their Deity Heitsi EIBEB ...' (SESA 1973 9 345). laid on the numerous and numerous haitsi ǀ Indeed, Khodi or Heitsigrafte is strange that this Khoekhoen Savior and Combat of their enemy ╪ga- = Fgorib (= He who pours people in the abyss) is not being honored. According to the census card, Wondergat was known as the Heits-Eibebrot or just as Heitsi-Eibib, according to pronunciation by the English Landometer 'Hadge Aeebeep'. Over the saga should be eliminated elsewhere, but we, incidentally, a comment from Mr FK Krenz 1979 farms from his side drawing on the meaning of the hero figure's name, as he derives linguistically. It reads: 'ǀ Hai] = Grau, TSI (Person), EIB [AIB] = Fight; BIB (Desclecht) ', d.w.s. 'Gray face' or 'dull face' The first member is usually connected to Hai in the sense of 'tree / wood'.
afr Die pleknaam het vandag verdwyn; die plek heet tans 'Wondergat'. 'Near Anniesfontein, 5 km from the Orange River, is the Wondergat, a large cave in a hillock which is dreaded by the Namas, who believe that it is the dwelling-place of their deity Heitsi Eibeb...' (SESA 1973 9 345). gelêt op die talle en talle Haitsi-ǀ ǀkhodi of Heitsigrafte is dit inderdaad vreemd dat hierdie Khoekhoense Heilandfiguur en bestryder van hulle vyand ╪Ga-=Fgorib (= hy wat mense in die Afgrond stort) nie onomasties vereer is nie. Volgens die sensuskaart was Wondergat bekend as die Heit- sie-Eibebgrot of net as Heitsi-Eibib, volgens uitspraak deur die Engelse landmeter gespel 'Hadge Aebeep'. Oor die saga moet elders nageleës word, maar ons voeg terloops ’n opmerking van mnr FK Krenz 1979 Boer uit sy Kanttekening hierby oor die betekenis van die heldefiguur se naam, soos hy dit taalkundig aflei. Dit lui: 'ǀHei [ǀhai] = grau, tsi (Person), eib [aib] = Gesicht; bib (Geschlecht)', d.w.s. 'Grysgesig' of 'Vaalgesig'Die eerste lid word deur uitleggers gewoonlik verbind met hai- in die sin van 'boom/hout'.
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