Annis(Fontein), Ook Annis(Rivier)

Kleinschmidt gives two pronunciations, with or without the H. Today, the ordinary form is the Annis with fountain added now. In Kleinschmidt and Knudsen's time, there was a yard at the fountain, located on a river. It is a happy circumstance that Kleinschmidt has given the meaning, linked to Nama ╪an = 'Kennen, recognition, Wisen; ╪ANS = Kennis ... '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 33). The older pronunciation of ╪an was welana- (cf. Hanna), or else we can reconstruct it as ╪an- plus -e, the passive suffix (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 176), 'known'. The -s locates. Annis therefore means the 'well-known fountain'. At the same height in the Richterveld le Annis River flowing the Orange River north-broom, northeastern Alex- other It - if river would hardly have been the 'well-known'ǃ

About this item

Annis(Fontein), Ook Annis(Rivier)
Alternative Title
Annis(Fontein), Ook Annis(Rivier)
Georeference Sources
K 2816 BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Kleinschmidt 1842 Diary Moritz 28/4 245 'The 11th bis Annis (acquaintance), source and place of ancient Klaas Josef, near the Orange'. Ibid 224 'Paulus Zaal then brought us the 3rd Aug. still from here with his ox to Hanna (ie know, knowledge) ...' Knudsen 1842 Travel Moritz 29/4 138 'Annis', 'N Uitspanning by' N Bron . Veillet S.J. Kaart 'Annis Fontein' K 2816 Bd. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Annisftn' OP Dieselfde Hoogte. Opmeting 'Annisfontein CP 2816 BD Fontein'.
afr Kleinschmidt 1842 Tagebuch Moritz 28/4 245 'Den 11. bis Annis (Bekende), Quelle und Platz vom alten Klaas Josef, nahe beim Oranjefluss'. Ibid 224 'Paulus Zaal brachte uns dann den 3. Aug. noch von hier mit seinen Ochsen bis Hanna (d.h. kennen, wissen)...' Knudsen 1842 Reisen Moritz 29/4 138 'Annis', 'n uitspanning by 'n bron. Veillet s.j. kaart 'Annis Fontein' K 2816 BD. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Annisftn' op dieselfde hoogte. Opmeting 'Annisfontein CP 2816 BD Fontein'.
eng Well-known fountain
afr Bekende Fontein
eng Kleinschmidt gives two pronunciations, with or without the H. Today, the ordinary form is the Annis with fountain added now. In Kleinschmidt and Knudsen's time, there was a yard at the fountain, located on a river. It is a happy circumstance that Kleinschmidt has given the meaning, linked to Nama ╪an = 'Kennen, recognition, Wisen; ╪ANS = Kennis ... '(Kr.- R. 1969 NW 33). The older pronunciation of ╪an was welana- (cf. Hanna), or else we can reconstruct it as ╪an- plus -e, the passive suffix (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 176), 'known'. The -s locates. Annis therefore means the 'well-known fountain'. At the same height in the Richterveld le Annis River flowing the Orange River north-broom, northeastern Alex- other It - if river would hardly have been the 'well-known'ǃ
afr Kleinschmidt gee twee uitspraakwyses aan, met of sonder die h-. Vandag is die gewone vorm die Annis- met fontein nou toegevoeg. In Kleinschmidt en Knudsen se tyd was daar ’n werf by die fontein, geleë aan ’n riviertjie. Dit is 'n gelukkige omstandigheid dat Kleinschmidt die betekenis aangegee het, te verbind met Nama ╪an = 'kennen, erkennen, wissen; ╪ans = Kenntnis...' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 33). Die ouer uitspraak van ╪an was wel ╪ana- (vgl. Hanna), of anders kan ons dit rekonstrueer as ╪an- plus -he, die passiewe suffiks (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 176), 'geken word'. Die -s lokativeer. Annis het dus beteken die 'Bekende Fontein'. Op dieselfde hoogte in die Richterveld le Annisrivier wat die Oranjerivier noordweswaarts binnevloei, ten noordooste van Alex- anderbaai. Annisrivier het dieselfde betekenis as Annisfontein, dit lyk of die rivier sy naam van die belangrike bron gekry het — as riviertjie sou dit nouliks die 'Bekende' gewees hetǃ
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