
It deals with farm Gor.q.1-11, grade square as above, dist. Gordonia. In 1960, before the PNC, an application for a car bus stop served on the farm, and then it was told that Gams were expressed gams, but on the old registration form it was spelled Gams. Vereill gives a suction consonant. The word is like Namaǃ Gam-S = 'Der Tripper' (Kr. - R. 1969 NW 89), Gonorrhea, a sex disease, which apparently also covers the understanding of calabashes, a by-product of mumps.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2821 AA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Veillet S.J. map ''GAMS', on B 2821 AA. Kotze G 24 4 1973 Questionnaire 'GAMS, Farm, Ong. 45 km northwest of Upington. Meaning: A disease mentioned in the Volksmond 'Kalbassies' '. Get information from his father who farmed there and died in 1961. In Delegive Letter's Mr Kotze that the farm was awarded to Even van Wyk in 1892; It also had the nickname of thick. 'The corpse to a translation of the original name (of 'calbasses' caused by pumpkins). Because of the nickname I try to get rid of the name '. [With that, a piece of old history will be lost againǃ]
afr Veillet s.j. kaart '’Gams', op B 2821 AA. Kotze G 24 4 1973 Vraelys 'Gams, plaas, ong. 45 km noordwes van Upington. Betekenis: ’n siekte wat in die volksmond ‘Kalbassies’ genoem word'. Inligting verkry van sy vader wat daar geboer het en in 1961 oorlede is. In begelêidende brief se mnr Kotze dat die plaas in 1892 aan ene Van Wyk toegeken was; dit het ook die bynaam van Dikpunt gehad. 'Die lyk na ’n vertaling van die oorspronklike naam (van ‘Kalbassies’ wat deur pampoen- tjies veroorsaak word). vanweë die bynaam probeer ek van die naam ontslae raak'. [Daarmee sal ’n stukkie ou geskiedenis weer verlore gaanǃ]
eng It deals with farm Gor.q.1-11, grade square as above, dist. Gordonia. In 1960, before the PNC, an application for a car bus stop served on the farm, and then it was told that Gams were expressed gams, but on the old registration form it was spelled Gams. Vereill gives a suction consonant. The word is like Namaǃ Gam-S = 'Der Tripper' (Kr. - R. 1969 NW 89), Gonorrhea, a sex disease, which apparently also covers the understanding of calabashes, a by-product of mumps.
afr Dit handel oor plaas Gor.Q.1-11, graadvierkant soos hierbo, dist. Gordonia. In 1960 het daar voor die PNK ’n aansoek vir ’n motorbushalte op die plaas gedien, en toe is meegedeel dat Gams uitgespreek word Ghams, maar op die ou registrasievorm is dit gespel Gams. Veillet gee ’n suigkonsonant aan. Die woord is soos Nama ǃgam-s = 'der Tripper' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 89), gonorree, ’n geslagsiekte, wat blykbaar ook die begrip van kalbassies dek, ’n neweproduk van pampoentjies.
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