Gous, Ghous

Dr Van Vredes probably looked. Wuras give 'fountain' in Kora on ╪kx'aus, Meinhof (with other Schnalz) ǀ Kx'aus (Hott 268), therefore with the vertebrate sound (KX'-, in the place name GH and G-), so that We here for Nama have the same word with glotalization of the skeleton. If the Kora word should stay ghous or gous: it contains a piece of language history. Van Vreden tells that the general public today connects the GOUS with scary. 'Ghost' = ghost, and / or with the personal name gous. Cfg. Gauss and stocking too. Mr J Booish 1974 Language Assistant note, however, keep the question open that Namaǃ Gaus is a place in the river where the water stands long.

About this item

Gous, Ghous
Alternative Title
Gous, Ghous
Georeference Sources
K 2820 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Van Vreden 1961 Origin 308 'Ghous, farm northwest of Upington, Dist. Gordonia; On Topo-Cadastral Careerks Gous ... Nama ǀ Ous (fountain, open water) ... So ghous = 'fountain'. ' [Also stopping road transport service on this farm, 92 km from Upington Station, v. Railway Time Table.l
afr Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 308 'Ghous, plaas noordwes van Upington, dist. Gordonia; op topo-kadastrale kaartreeks Gous...Nama ǀous (fontein, oop water)...Dus Ghous = ‘Fontein’.' [Ook stopplek van padvervoerdiens op hierdie plaas, 92 km van Upingtonstasie af, v. Spoorweg-tydtafel.l
eng Dr Van Vredes probably looked. Wuras give 'fountain' in Kora on ╪kx'aus, Meinhof (with other Schnalz) ǀ Kx'aus (Hott 268), therefore with the vertebrate sound (KX'-, in the place name GH and G-), so that We here for Nama have the same word with glotalization of the skeleton. If the Kora word should stay ghous or gous: it contains a piece of language history. Van Vreden tells that the general public today connects the GOUS with scary. 'Ghost' = ghost, and / or with the personal name gous. Cfg. Gauss and stocking too. Mr J Booish 1974 Language Assistant note, however, keep the question open that Namaǃ Gaus is a place in the river where the water stands long.
afr Dr Van Vreeden het waarskynlik gelyk. Wuras gee vir 'fontein' in Kora op ╪kx'aus, Meinhof (met ander schnalz) ǀkx’aus (HOTT 268), dus met die velere klank (kx’-, in die pleknaam gh- en g-), sodat ons hier vir Nama dieselfde woord het met glottalisasie van die velaar. As Korawoord behoort die pleknaam Ghous of Gous te bly: dit bevat ’n stuk taalgeskiedenis. Van Vreeden vertel dat die algemene publiek vandag die Gous verbind met Eng. 'Ghost' = spook, en/of met die persoonsnaam Gous. Vgl. ook GAUSS en KOUS. Mnr J Boois 1974 Taalassistent Aantekening hou die vraag egter oop deur te stel dat Nama ǃgaus ’n plek in die rivier is waar die water lank staan.
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