
It deals here on farm No 70, southwest of Ariamsvlei. Over the farm, the 'Nababis River', a tributary of the 'Kainab River', in turn, a tributary of the Orange River. On the Nababis River, on the SWA series 1973 sheet 2818 Warmbaths also signed a hamlet at a fountain called 'Nababis', and which is likely to be the starting point of the farm name. The -s (sing, Fern.) Indicate a source name here. Two testimonies, those of Mr Buyer and his team, and those of the prudent Mrs. Mouton, both of this world, relates to the bugǃ NaBA, and it does them independently. Our tips in th a ** 826 who are on suspicions now fall into favor of this explanation. The same statement also applies to Farm Nabas No. 61, which was at a time.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2819 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Buyer T 1977 and four other Khoung Hoen of Duration Drift Conversation 'Nababis, that is, but the place where the inabas holds. He is such a thing that has higher and who is also poisonous. Mina 1978 Namadou, per cap. Brewis DJ Station commander 'N'abas is a small pale bogga and if he bites you, one will die. On the farm, a big thorn tree stood ... and there was the bug. .
afr Koper T 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoen van Duurdrift Gesprek 'Nababis, dit is maar die plek waar die inabas hou. Hy is mos so ’n ding wat ho- rinkies het en wat ook giftig is. Dit is 'n soort gogga'. Mouton Mina 1978 Namavrou, per kapt. Brewis DJ Stasiebevelvoerder 'N'abas is 'n klein vaal gogga en as hy jou byt, gaan mens dood. Op die plaas het ’n groot doringboom gestaan...en daar is die gogga gekry...
eng It deals here on farm No 70, southwest of Ariamsvlei. Over the farm, the 'Nababis River', a tributary of the 'Kainab River', in turn, a tributary of the Orange River. On the Nababis River, on the SWA series 1973 sheet 2818 Warmbaths also signed a hamlet at a fountain called 'Nababis', and which is likely to be the starting point of the farm name. The -s (sing, Fern.) Indicate a source name here. Two testimonies, those of Mr Buyer and his team, and those of the prudent Mrs. Mouton, both of this world, relates to the bugǃ NaBA, and it does them independently. Our tips in th a ** 826 who are on suspicions now fall into favor of this explanation. The same statement also applies to Farm Nabas No. 61, which was at a time.
afr Dit handel hier oor plaas nr 70, suidwes van Ariamsvlei. Oor die plaas loop die 'Nababisrivier', ’n sytak van die 'Kainabrivier', op sy beurt ’n sytak van die Oranjerivier. Aan die Nababisrivier word op die SWA-reeks 1973 vel 2818 Warmbad ook 'n gehuggie ingeteken by 'n fontein wat 'Nababis' genoem word, en wat waarskynlik die beginpunt van die plaasnaam sal wees. Die -s (sing, fern.) dui hier ’n bronnaam aan. Twee getuienisse, die van mnr Koper en sy span, en die van die hoogbejaarde mev. Mouton, albei van hierdie wêreld, bring die naam in verband met die gogga ǃnaba-, en dit doen hulle onafhanklik van mekaar. Ons wenke in TH A** 826 wat op vermoedens berus het, verval nou ten gunste van hierdie uitleg. Dieselfde verklaring geld ook vir plaas Nabas nr 61 wat op 'n keer aangren- send was.
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