Gabis, Knabies

Because it is no 'games' to sit and resit the eponymous places correctly, detailed citations were given. Weber is now on Warmbad. His root (nomaos) and Gorechas are both at the Hom River, just above Gabis, which in turn lies north of Warmbaths. Alexander writes the place name Knabies and translates it with 'The Place'. Weber, famous with the region and its outlets there, write it as ╪gabes or ╪gabis, but do not translate it, (it is possible that he thinks of Nama ╪ga = 'Kahl', cf. Rest 1960 DNW 33, ie ' Balefoot '), and Hahn writes it ǀ Gabis, clearly with the Im-Plisiete translation' Grass spot '(Nama ǀ Ga- = Grass in general - Rest 1960 DNW 28), a statement with which the other settlees will not agree.

About this item

Gabis, Knabies
Alternative Title
Gabis, Knabies
Georeference Sources
S 2818 BA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Alexander Je 1836 EDIA / 203 'Six Hours More Brought US To Another Cattle Place, Knabies (The Place) ...' This, Spelling OP S sy Kaart OP S 2818, AAN Homrivier, Bokant Warmbad. Weber FW 1867 Sources 8 5 '... we came to Wortel.After 1 ^ StiDigem Ritt we reached ╪gabis ...' This. 1869 Aid. 34-5 '... a small round trip to ╪garten, word and ǀ Harris ... 'This. 1873 Aid. 102' ... visited the shipyards ╪gabis, Draaihoek and Gorechas ... 'Hahn Th 1879 Kaart' ǀ Gabis ', Uitspanning aan the horn. Dieselfde by Kiepert 1893 Kaart. By Veillet S.J. Kaart 'Gabis, Village', En By Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Warsk 'Gabis', Bron Aan Homrivier, Almal OP 2818 BA.
afr Alexander JE 1836 EDIA / 203 'Six hours more brought us to another cattle place, Knabies (the place)...' Dies, spelling op sy kaart op S 2818, aan Homrivier, bokant Warmbad. Weber FW 1867 Quellen 8 5 '...kamen wir nach Wortel.nach 1^ stiindigem Ritt erreichten wir ╪Gabis...' Dies. 1869 aid. 34-5 '...eine kleine Rundreise nach ╪Gabes, Wortel und ǀHarris...' Dies. 1873 aid. 102 '... besuchte die Werften ╪Gabis, Draaihoek und Gorechas...' Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀGabis', uitspanning aan die Horn. Dieselfde by Kiepert 1893 kaart. By Veillet s.j. kaart 'Gabis, Village', en by Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gabis', bron aan Homrivier, almal op 2818 BA.
eng Because it is no 'games' to sit and resit the eponymous places correctly, detailed citations were given. Weber is now on Warmbad. His root (nomaos) and Gorechas are both at the Hom River, just above Gabis, which in turn lies north of Warmbaths. Alexander writes the place name Knabies and translates it with 'The Place'. Weber, famous with the region and its outlets there, write it as ╪gabes or ╪gabis, but do not translate it, (it is possible that he thinks of Nama ╪ga = 'Kahl', cf. Rest 1960 DNW 33, ie ' Balefoot '), and Hahn writes it ǀ Gabis, clearly with the Im-Plisiete translation' Grass spot '(Nama ǀ Ga- = Grass in general - Rest 1960 DNW 28), a statement with which the other settlees will not agree.
afr Omdat dit geen 'speletjies' is om die gelyknamige plekke reg te situeer en uitmekaar te hou nie, is uitvoerige sitate gegee. Weber is nou op Warmbad gesêtel. Sy Wortel (Nomaos) en Gorechas le albei aan die Homrivier, net bokant Gabis, wat op sy beurt noord van Warmbad le. Alexander skryf die pleknaam Knabies en vertaal dit met 'the place'. Weber, bekend met die streek en sy buitegemeentes daar, skryf dit as ╪Gabes of ╪Gabis, maar vertaal dit nie, (dit is moontlik dat hy dink aan Nama ╪ga = 'kahl', vgl. Rust 1960 DNW 33, d.w.s. 'Kaalplek'), en Hahn skryf dit ǀGabis, duidelik met die im- plisiete vertaling 'Grasplek' (Nama ǀga- = gras in die algemeen — Rust 1960 DNW 28), ’n verklaring waarmee die ander segsliede nie sal saamstem nie.
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