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Georeference Sources
K 2816 BB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni - ǀǀ Goam 23-4 says that the name is reminiscent of an earlier battle that there is and means 'The Last One Caught'. We mention it in th a ** 709 and say that we could not sit well, as we can do now. The name does not appear on maps, except on Hahn's own map of 1879 at 28 ° 14 '16 ° 55' south of Good House, and in the mountains east of Five Sister Mountains. ǃ Kho = 'Fangen ... Greifen' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 245), and toa = '... Zu and s) Where everyone (toa = everyone, or: until the end, has been captured until the last) (ǃ KHO) '.
afr Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni-ǀǀGoam 23-4 vertel dat die naam herinner aan ’n vroeëre veldslag wat daar gelêwer is en beteken 'the last one caught'. Ons vermeld dit in TH A** 709 en se dat ons die plek toe nie goed kon situeer nie, soos ons nou wel kan doen. Die naam kom nerens op kaarte voor nie, behalwe op Hahn se eie kaart van 1879 op 28° 14' 16° 55' suid van Good- house, en in die berge oos van Vyfsustersberge. ǃKho = 'fangen...greifen' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 245), en toa = '...zu Ende gehen...' (Kr.-R. 359), dus die 'Plek ( -s) waar almal (toa = almal, of: tot aan die einde, tot die laaste) gevang is (ǃkho)'.
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