
This river flows from the southeast in the Orange River slightly south of the old missionary or Bethanydom. We find no name for the 'river' on the modern maps. Localization on the old cards is also very stretchable. For us, it seems sometimes whether the above Khoekhoen name can correlate with the current 'dreigratrif', and that the clumsy spelling knoyn - might be understood like Namaǃ Now (a) = three, in German 'drei'. The second part might want to connect with Old Capeǃ Ka-B = River, descending on the sound, or with Namaǃ Post-b = stomach, but both stand semantics far off the member 'grat' in 'DREIGRAT ( drift) '. (We took up dreigat as consisting of drei + grat). The 'knf' must be such a thing as Ka-P, exchange form Ga-P, with a suction patch in front. It may give a new clue. Between the Kodas River, today the Bloubos River, and the Knoyn knf le a mountain range called 'Five Simples' (topographical series 1974 Skin 2816 Alexander Bay), proposed on the census card 1891 with five circles and called 'Five Sister Hills'. In Nama, it will be called: Koroǃ Ga-B (the -B of the Ml. Ekv. As index of the mountain name). 'Three-sister river' SAJ is called :ǃ Nonaǃ Ga-B (with the -B here the normal indication of a river name). Outgoing of the soundbuilding, tonsored with the names of the adjacent places such as 'DREIGRAT-' and the 'Five Similar', seems the translation of the river name as the 'Driesusters River' imaginable and o.I. Maintainable. The name for this river no longer comes tea on comparison cards, nor on scale 1:50 000. Well, Kodas or Pypklip River changed its name to Bloubos River.

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Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2816 BB/BD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Census card 1891 'Knoyy Kn'hap River'. The same at Veillet S.j. map.
afr Sensuskaart 1891 'Knoyy Kn’hap River'. Dieselfde by Veillet s.j. kaart.
eng This river flows from the southeast in the Orange River slightly south of the old missionary or Bethanydom. We find no name for the 'river' on the modern maps. Localization on the old cards is also very stretchable. For us, it seems sometimes whether the above Khoekhoen name can correlate with the current 'dreigratrif', and that the clumsy spelling knoyn - might be understood like Namaǃ Now (a) = three, in German 'drei'. The second part might want to connect with Old Capeǃ Ka-B = River, descending on the sound, or with Namaǃ Post-b = stomach, but both stand semantics far off the member 'grat' in 'DREIGRAT ( drift) '. (We took up dreigat as consisting of drei + grat). The 'knf' must be such a thing as Ka-P, exchange form Ga-P, with a suction patch in front. It may give a new clue. Between the Kodas River, today the Bloubos River, and the Knoyn knf le a mountain range called 'Five Simples' (topographical series 1974 Skin 2816 Alexander Bay), proposed on the census card 1891 with five circles and called 'Five Sister Hills'. In Nama, it will be called: Koroǃ Ga-B (the -B of the Ml. Ekv. As index of the mountain name). 'Three-sister river' SAJ is called :ǃ Nonaǃ Ga-B (with the -B here the normal indication of a river name). Outgoing of the soundbuilding, tonsored with the names of the adjacent places such as 'DREIGRAT-' and the 'Five Similar', seems the translation of the river name as the 'Driesusters River' imaginable and o.I. Maintainable. The name for this river no longer comes tea on comparison cards, nor on scale 1:50 000. Well, Kodas or Pypklip River changed its name to Bloubos River.
afr Hierdie riviertjie vloei van die suidooste uit in die Oranjerivier effens suid van die ou Sendeling- of Bethaniendrif. Ons vind geen naam vir die 'riviertjie' op die moderne kaarte nie. lokalisering op die ou kaarte is ook baie rekbaar. Vir ons lyk dit soms of bostaande Khoekhoense naam kan korreleer met die huidige 'Dreigratdrif', en dat die lomp spelling Knoyn- dalk kan begryp word soos Nama ǃnou(a) = drie, in Duits 'drei'. Die tweede deel sou mens dalk wil verbind met Ou-Kaaps ǃka-b = rivier, afgaande op die klank, of met Nama ǃna-b = maag, maar albei staan semantics ver af van die lid 'grat' in 'Dreigrat(drif)'. (Ons het Dreigrat op- gevat as bestaande uit Drei+ grat). Die 'knhap' moet so iets wees soos ka-p, wisselvorm ga-p, met ’n suigklap vooraan. Dit mag ’n nuwe leidraad gee. Tussen die Kodasrivier, vandag die Bloubosrivier, en die Knoyn- knhap le ’n bergreeks met die naam van 'Vyfsusters' (Topografiese reeks 1974 vel 2816 Alexander Bay), op die sensuskaart 1891 voorgestel met vyf sirkeltjies en genoem 'Five Sister Hills'. In Nama sal dit heet: koro-ǃga-b (die -b van die ml. ekv. as indeks van die bergnaam). 'Drie-susters-rivier' saJ heet: ǃNona-ǃga-b (met die -b hier die normale aanduiding van 'n riviernaam). Uitgaande van die klankbousel, geneem tesaam met die name van die byliggende plekke soos 'Dreigrat-' en die 'Vyfsusters-', lyk die vertaling van die riviernaam as die 'Driesustersrivier' denkbaar en o.i. handhaafbaar. Die naam vir hierdie riviertjie kom ons nie meer tee op toe- ganklike kaarte nie, ook nie op skaal 1:50 000 nie. Wel het Kodas- of Pypkliprivier sy naam verander tot Bloubosrivier.
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