Aream, Ariam(Dam)

Veillet does not yet give the farm name, well from the dam on the farm, so that the dam will be primer. The farm is registered in 1895. The starting point will be a source / fountain, with -am- = mouth (ing), water location, if topographically found. It lies northwest of Upington and only west of Molopori- four. Explanatory wise we have the statements of Dr of Vredes, viz. That it can mean (1) Skurwebek, at Nama ╪ari = bars; (2) Red berry forest; (3) Stortraen. We believe that this farm name comes from the brittle (Phaeoptilium spinosum, cf. Smith 1966 CNSAP 179), which occurs as ingredient in other farm names in this neighborhood (cf. AreaChab).

About this item

Aream, Ariam(Dam)
Alternative Title
Aream, Ariam(Dam)
Georeference Sources
K 2720 CD
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Veillet S.J. 'Ariam Dam'
afr Veillet s.j. kaart 'Ariam Dam'. -Plaaslys Gordonia 'Aream', plaas B 4316/1895. Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 165 'Aream. Churchill 1892 Arean. Drie verklarings...' [kyk daarvoor ARIAMS(VlEI).]
eng Scourge
afr Skurwebek
eng Veillet does not yet give the farm name, well from the dam on the farm, so that the dam will be primer. The farm is registered in 1895. The starting point will be a source / fountain, with -am- = mouth (ing), water location, if topographically found. It lies northwest of Upington and only west of Molopori- four. Explanatory wise we have the statements of Dr of Vredes, viz. That it can mean (1) Skurwebek, at Nama ╪ari = bars; (2) Red berry forest; (3) Stortraen. We believe that this farm name comes from the brittle (Phaeoptilium spinosum, cf. Smith 1966 CNSAP 179), which occurs as ingredient in other farm names in this neighborhood (cf. AreaChab).
afr Veillet gee nog nie die plaasnaam aan nie, wel van die dam op die plaas, sodat die dam wel primer sal wees. Die plaas is geregistreer in 1895. Die beginpunt sal ’n bron/fontein wees, met -am- = mond(ing), waterplek, indien dit topografies gefundeer is. Dit le noordwes van Upington en net wes van Molopori- vier. Verklaringsgewys het ons die uitsprake van dr Van Vreeden, nl. dat dit kan beteken (1) Skurwebek, by Nama ╪ari = bars; (2) Rooibessiebos; (3) Stortreen. Ons meen dat ook hierdie plaasnaam afkomstig is van die brosdoring (Phaeoptilium spinosum, vgl. Smith 1966 CNSAP 179) wat as bestanddeel in ander plaasname in hierdie buurt voorkom (vgl. AREACHAB).
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