
Pre-sites that we have collected as mentioned in th a * 376. Our Namasker There brings the first ingredient to 'grass', also Mr Buyer and his team here, they specify Seifs the grass type. However, the others think of a tree type, also the current solar. Now they differ about what kind of tree it is. At Kaagan, Kaas Street and Kakkin K 2720, we saw that the Vaal camel tree is, the Acacia haematoxylon, commonly known as such in those dune areas, but in Kakolk 2719, now in southwest but yet in the same kind of world, D.W.S. Duineveld, the ǀ ka- ​​a prosopis or a wild-orange tree, on the authority of Mr Andreas. The ǀ Ka and the ǀ Ga- Gapiitz is but interchanges from the same form, a variation that is quite lived, cf. Th * 42-3 Under 5 A 3. We prefer this cocklam in South West Africa to the statement that this ǀ Gaur on the Wildelemoenboom. Also Lemoendoring, Orange Wood etc. (Smith 1966 CNSAP 572), Parkinsonia Africana. The branches of the tree are yellowish, hence the relationship with the orange in the people's mind. The willelemoen tree and the prosopis belong, in brackets, to the same family, viz. of the leguminosae. The reason we want the JGA understand as the orange wood, because between Kakolk S 2719

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S 2719 DD
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eng Buyer t 1977 and four other Khoek Hoen of Duration Drift Conversation 'ǃ Ga, This is Igagras. In the Kalahari it is the long-legged bang grass '. Andreas B 1977 Teacher Conversation' ǀ Gaputz ... The first word is Nama. These are these prosopis trees. At Heirachabis], the wild orange tree is also called ǀ Ga. It's already torn that I as a says the farm Gapiitz, according to what she heard when she was small, was the only wells in the area where everyone got water. The name comes from the Ga trees near the wells. The Gaboom carries a berry. The berry is green, and when he ripens, he is such a beautiful red berry with two caps folding around the seed. The berry has a thin layer that is edible. The leaf is a round type of leaf, light green. It looks like such an axle, such a stem over him. The tree is about 12 to 15 feet high '. Mouton m 1978 Namady per cap and were not planted. The pods are eaten by our Namas. A well was dug at the trees '. [The comma to the G'a represents a suction flaster.]
afr Koper T 1977 en vier ander Khoekhoen van Duurdrift Gesprek 'ǃGa, dit is Igagras. In die Kalahari is dit die langbeenboesmangras'. Andreas B 1977 Onderwyser Gesprek 'ǀGaputz...die eerste woord is Nama. Dit is hierdie prosopisbome. Dis wat ǀga beteken. Seker 'n puts waar die prosopisbome groei soos hier [nl. by Heirachabis], Die wilde lemoenboom word ook genoem ǀga. Dit is al borne wat ek as ǀgabome ken' Brewis DJ 1977 Adjudant-offisier en Stasiebevelvoerder Gesprek [nadat hy die eienares telefonies vir ons ondervra het:] 'Mev. EE Fourie se die plaas Gapiitz, volgens wat sy gehoor het toe sy klein was, was die enigste puts in die omgewing waar almal water gekry het. Die naam kom van die ga-bome wat daar naby die puts is. Die gaboom dra ’n bessie. Die bessie is groen, en wanneer hy ryp word, is hy so ’n pragtige rooi bessietjie met twee doppies wat om die saad vou. Die bessie het 'n dun lagie wat eetbaar is. Die blaar is 'n ronde tipe blaar, liggroen. Dit lyk of hy so 'n askleur, so 'n stoflagie oor horn het. Die boom is so 12 tot 15 voet hoog'. Mouton M 1978 Namavrou per kapt. Brewis DJ 'Gapiitz kom van G'abome. Die borne het self opgeslaan en is nie geplant nie. Die peule word geeet deur ons Namas. ’n Puts is daar by die borne gegrawe'. [Die komma na die G van G'a stel ’n suigklap voor.]
eng Pre-sites that we have collected as mentioned in th a * 376. Our Namasker There brings the first ingredient to 'grass', also Mr Buyer and his team here, they specify Seifs the grass type. However, the others think of a tree type, also the current solar. Now they differ about what kind of tree it is. At Kaagan, Kaas Street and Kakkin K 2720, we saw that the Vaal camel tree is, the Acacia haematoxylon, commonly known as such in those dune areas, but in Kakolk 2719, now in southwest but yet in the same kind of world, D.W.S. Duineveld, the ǀ ka- ​​a prosopis or a wild-orange tree, on the authority of Mr Andreas. The ǀ Ka and the ǀ Ga- Gapiitz is but interchanges from the same form, a variation that is quite lived, cf. Th * 42-3 Under 5 A 3. We prefer this cocklam in South West Africa to the statement that this ǀ Gaur on the Wildelemoenboom. Also Lemoendoring, Orange Wood etc. (Smith 1966 CNSAP 572), Parkinsonia Africana. The branches of the tree are yellowish, hence the relationship with the orange in the people's mind. The willelemoen tree and the prosopis belong, in brackets, to the same family, viz. of the leguminosae. The reason we want the JGA understand as the orange wood, because between Kakolk S 2719 <and Gapiitz the farm Lemoenkop le, LG. Well to the Parkinsonia africana. Now the pale meal tree is also a member of the FAM. Leguminosae, the tree species we took for the statement of the name Kakolk 2720. As a result, we believe that the same Khoekhoen Word ǀ Ga- or ǀ Ka- to the foundation of all the mentioned farms, but that is distinguished locally. And negative: We do not believe that Gapiitz is justified a connection with some kind of grass. The consensus, o.I. Rightly, in favor of a kind of tree in the family of Leguminosae, which is also backed up linguistically and botanically.
afr Vooraf moet geleës word wat ons versamel het soos vermeld staan in TH A* 376. Ons Namaspreker daar bring die eerste bestanddeel in verband met 'gras', ook mnr Koper en sy span hier, hulle spesifiseer seifs die grassoort. AI die ander dink egter aan ’n boomsoort, ook die huidige eie- nares. Nou verskil hulle oor watter soort boom dit is. By KAAGAN, KAASTRAAT en KAKOlK K 2720 het ons gesien dat ǀka- daar die vaal- kameelboom is, die Acacia haematoxylon, algemeen as sodanig in daardie duingebiede bekend, maar in KAKOlK 2719, nou in Suidwes maar tog in dieselfde soort wêreld, d.w.s. duineveld, is die ǀka- 'n prosopis of 'n wilde- lemoenboom, op gesag van mnr Andreas. Die ǀka- en die ǀga- van Gapiitz is maar wisseluitsprake van dieselfde grondwoord, 'n variabiliteit wat heel gewoon is, vgl. TH A* 42-3 onder 5 A 3. Ons gee vir hierdie Kakolk in Suidwes-Afrika die voorkeur aan die verklaring dat hierdie ǀga- slaan op die wildelemoenboom. ook lemoendoring, lemoenhout ens. (Smith 1966 CNSAP 572), volksname vir die Parkinsonia africana. Die takke van die boom is geelagtig, vandaar die verband met die lemoen in die volksbena- ming. Die wildelemoenboom en die prosopis behoort, tussen hakies, tot dieselfde familie, nl. van die leguminosae. Die rede waarom ons die jga- verstaan wil he as die lemoenhout, is omdat tussen Kakolk S 2719< en Gapiitz die plaas lemoenkop le, lg. wel na die Parkinsonia africana ver- noem. Nou is die vaalkameelboom ook 'n lid van die fam. leguminosae, die boomsoort wat ons vir die verklaring van die naam KAKOlK 2720 geneem het. Ons meen gevolglik dat dieselfde Khoekhoense woord ǀga- of ǀka- tot grondslag van al die genoemde plase gekies is, maar dat daar plaaslik ondersoortig onderskei word. En negatief: ons glo nie dat vir Gapiitz 'n verband met die een of ander soort gras geregverdig is nie. Die konsensus is, o.i. tereg, ten gunste van 'n soort boom in die familie leguminosae, wat ook taalkundig en botanies gerugsteun is.
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