Geidom, Geidum, Kudung, Kudom

The story is the following: There is a river with the name of Kudung. He started at the Pan Namkoes on the farm blinkshirts and walked thence mainly across the mentioned farms (of which we have written the numbers in brackets) until he is absorbed as tributary by the Ham River. The farm name Kudung comes from the river; The name was discussed in th a ** 794-5 as means 'coverings', with gu- = 'sheep' for the member Ku of the name. The spokesman Basson in the quotation above also thinks about it when he speaks of 'stock'. But now it is departed by the suggestions of the writing form 'geidum', adjusted by Dr. Vedder to 'Geidom' and translated with 'Bigstem' which he makes poetically meaningful. On the topographical maps following the official spelling as determined by the National Location Committee, the river name now appears as follows: On SWA Series 1974 Skin 2718 GRIAU (2819 CA and CC) 'Geidum' and 'Kudung' (LG. Lower down on Springputs 41), on the topographical range of SA 1973 Skin 2818 Warmbaths (2819 AB) 'Krdom River'. The same river, the same name, four ways in which it is spelled, the devices resulting from a late attempt to increase a meaning to the uncontrolled overall name and reconcile the new spelling. Whether Kudung is translated right, we don't know yet, that stupid / geidum / cum of incorrectly declared, it looks certain. 'Kudun.' was received, the other was 'made'. By the way, for another explanation of the undefined form of the name by Dr. Vedder watch Kudung in this part.

About this item

Geidom, Geidum, Kudung, Kudom
Alternative Title
Geidom, Geidum, Kudung, Kudom
Georeference Sources
S 2719 CC-2819 AB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng Surveying 1949 'Geidum River, [and passed through:] Kudungrivier, Dist. Hot bath [Currently: Karasburg], a dry Sand River, origin is a pan about 24 miles [39 km] northeast of Karasburg. Old name, comes from Nama. Correct spelling is 'Kudung'. IT MEANS 'The Taking Away or Stock by Water'. IT Starts on Farm Blight (No. 30), Over Kudung (44), Spring Puts (41), Groendorn (57), Origin on Pan Namkoes, Blinkoog. Source of Information: N. (Ative?) Const. Basson for the Meaning of Kudung. ' Questionnaire completed by PPJ Kruger. [Then in handwriting of Dr Fi Vedder to whom the form was sent for comment and recommendation:] 'Kudung, Namataal: Gei-DOMS R. = Large voice river. Fi.vedder ', and from his letter:' Geidom River Alias ​​Kudungrivier, Namataal: Gei-Doms, Gei = Great, DOMS = The throat, the voice. The river's name indicates the noise he makes if it has rained. 'Large voice river'. '
afr Opmeting 1949 'Geidumrivier, [en deurgetrek:] Kudungrivier, dist. Warm- bad [tans: Karasburg], 'n droë sandrivier, oorsprong is ’n pan omtrent 24 myl [39 km] noordoos van Karasburg. Ou naam, kom uit Nama. Korrekte spelling is ‘Kudung’. It means ‘The taking away of stock by water’. It starts on farm Blinkoog (no. 30), over Kudung (44), Spring- puts (41), Groendorn (57), origin on pan Namkoes, Blinkoog. Source of information: N.(ative?) Const. Basson for the meaning of Kudung.' Vraelys ingevul deur PPJ Kruger. [Dan in handskrif van dr FI Vedder aan wie die formulier vir kommentaar en aanbeveling gestuur is:] 'Kudung, Namataal: Gei-doms R. = Groot stem Rivier. FI.Vedder', en uit sy brief: 'Geidomrivier alias Kudungrivier, Namataal: Gei-doms, Gei = groot, doms = die keel, die stem. Die rivier se naam dui op die geraas wat hy maak as dit gereen het. ‘Groot stem-rivier’.'
eng The story is the following: There is a river with the name of Kudung. He started at the Pan Namkoes on the farm blinkshirts and walked thence mainly across the mentioned farms (of which we have written the numbers in brackets) until he is absorbed as tributary by the Ham River. The farm name Kudung comes from the river; The name was discussed in th a ** 794-5 as means 'coverings', with gu- = 'sheep' for the member Ku of the name. The spokesman Basson in the quotation above also thinks about it when he speaks of 'stock'. But now it is departed by the suggestions of the writing form 'geidum', adjusted by Dr. Vedder to 'Geidom' and translated with 'Bigstem' which he makes poetically meaningful. On the topographical maps following the official spelling as determined by the National Location Committee, the river name now appears as follows: On SWA Series 1974 Skin 2718 GRIAU (2819 CA and CC) 'Geidum' and 'Kudung' (LG. Lower down on Springputs 41), on the topographical range of SA 1973 Skin 2818 Warmbaths (2819 AB) 'Krdom River'. The same river, the same name, four ways in which it is spelled, the devices resulting from a late attempt to increase a meaning to the uncontrolled overall name and reconcile the new spelling. Whether Kudung is translated right, we don't know yet, that stupid / geidum / cum of incorrectly declared, it looks certain. 'Kudun.' was received, the other was 'made'. By the way, for another explanation of the undefined form of the name by Dr. Vedder watch Kudung in this part.
afr Die storie is die volgende: Daar is ’n rivier met die naam van Kudung. Hy begin by die pan Namkoes op die plaas Blinkoog en loop daarvandaan in hoofsaak suidelik oor die genoemde plase (waarvan ons die nommers tussen hakies bygeskryf het) tot hy as sytak opgeneem word deur die Ham- rivier. Die plaasnaam Kudung kom van die rivier; die naam is bespreek in TH A** 794-5 as betekenende 'Veeweiding', met gu- = 'skaap' vir die lid Ku- van die naam. Die segsman Basson in die aanhaling hierbo dink ook blykbaar daaraan as hy praat van 'stock'. Maar nou word hiervan af- gewyk deur die suggesties van die skryfvorm 'Geidum', deur dr Vedder verstel tot 'Geidom' en vertaal met 'Grootstem' wat hy poeties sinvol maak. Op die Topografiese kaarte wat die amptelike spelling volg soos deur die Nasionale Pleknamekomitee vasgestel, kom die riviernaam nou voor soos volg: op SWA-reeks 1974 vel 2718 Griinau (2819 CA en CC) 'Geidum' en 'Kudung' (lg. laer af op Springputs 41), op die Topografiese reeks S.A. 1973 vel 2818 Warmbad (2819 AB) 'Kudomrivier'. Dieselfde rivier, dieselfde naam, vier maniere waarop dit gespel is, die afwy- kings die gevolg van ’n laatgekome poging om ’n betekenis aan die onbe- grepe oorgelêwerde naam toe te 'dig' en die nuwe spelling daarmee te versoen. Of Kudung reg vertaal is, weet ons nog nie seker nie, dat Gei- dom/Geidum/Kudom verkeerd verklaar is, dit lyk darem seker. 'Kudun.' is ontvang, die ander is 'gemaak'. Terloops, vir ’n ander verklaring van die onverstelde vorm van die naam deur dr Vedder kyk KUDUNG in hierdie deel.
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