Numais, Numais(Spitze)

The old name was Gowachab and it apparently occurred alone, but by 1900 (the time of the cricke) he took second place next to Numus (or a game variation), but ten years later, just Numais documentation level owned and Gowachab disappear. In the beginning, it was the name of an important outperform at a source, later it detached it and on the 1975 card it was a mountain peak. In the beginning it was a place where sycamic trees were, cf. Nama ǀ Gow- = 'Der Wild Feigenbaum' (Kr.-. 1969 NW 119), -XA- (or -Cha) = abundant, much. It is a tree type with edible cow - Catch by ǀ Noma, Better, by ǀ Noma-Hais = 'Der Feigenbaum' (Kr.-R. 292), contracted to Numus. Usually, the ǀ Nomahais is used for the makvy. We must deduce something, viz. That the travelers who have been over there have also had a makvy there root that which was well grounded and became a feature of the place?

About this item

Numais, Numais(Spitze)
Alternative Title
Numais, Numais(Spitze)
Georeference Sources
S 2716 DC
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng [Grundemann 1867 map 'Gowaxab'. Hahn Th 1879 map 'Gobaxab'.] Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Numais (Gowachab)'. DSWA Series 1910 Blatt 28 Oranjemund 'Nomes'. SWA Series 1975 Skin 2716 Ai-Ais 'Numasspitze'.
afr [Grundemann 1867 kaart 'Gowaxab'. Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Gobaxab'.] Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Numais (Gowachab)'. DSWA-reeks 1910 Blatt 28 Oranjemund 'Nomes'. SWA-reeks 1975 vel 2716 Ai-ais 'Numasspitze'.
eng The old name was Gowachab and it apparently occurred alone, but by 1900 (the time of the cricke) he took second place next to Numus (or a game variation), but ten years later, just Numais documentation level owned and Gowachab disappear. In the beginning, it was the name of an important outperform at a source, later it detached it and on the 1975 card it was a mountain peak. In the beginning it was a place where sycamic trees were, cf. Nama ǀ Gow- = 'Der Wild Feigenbaum' (Kr.-. 1969 NW 119), -XA- (or -Cha) = abundant, much. It is a tree type with edible cow - Catch by ǀ Noma, Better, by ǀ Noma-Hais = 'Der Feigenbaum' (Kr.-R. 292), contracted to Numus. Usually, the ǀ Nomahais is used for the makvy. We must deduce something, viz. That the travelers who have been over there have also had a makvy there root that which was well grounded and became a feature of the place?
afr Die ou naam was Gowachab en dit het blykbaar alleen voorgekom, maar teen 1900 (die tyd van die Kriegskarte) het hy tweede plek ingeneem naas Numais (of ’n spelvariasie daarvan), maar tien jaar later het nog net Numais dokumentasiepeil besit en het Gowachab verdwyn. In die begin was dit die naam van 'n belangrike uitspanplek by 'n bron, later het dit horn daarvan losgemaak en op die kaart van 1975 is dit ’n bergspits. In die begin was dit ’n plek waar wildevyebome gestaan het, vgl. Nama ǀgowe- = 'der wilde Feigenbaum' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 119), -xa- (of -cha-) = volop aan, baie. Dit is ’n boomsoort met eetbare soei vrug. Hierdie naam is ver- vang deur ǀnoma-, beter, deur ǀnoma-hais = 'der Feigenbaum' (Kr.-R. 292), saamgetrek tot Numais. Gewoonlik is die ǀnomahais gebruik vir die makvy. Moet ons daarvan iets aflei, nl. dat die reisigers wat daar oorge- staan het, ook nog ’n makvy daar laat wortelskiet het wat daar goed geaard het en ’n kenmerk van die plek geword het?
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