
Abeaam, so spelled, is the name of farm B 4320/1895 today; It lies on the way of Upington to Huniput (Noenieput). The big pan of Farini (the US Extrovert William Leonard Hunt from New York who has the name of Gilarmi A Farini, indicates in his book as 'K'abiam Pool', later appeared on maps as 'Albion Pan', ' One encourages that Albion will be a deformation of AMEAM, submitted by irrigated patriotic drivers. On Veillet's card there is also an Abiam head, but on the map of the topographical series 1968 Skin 2720 Huniput there are no mountains there. AJ Clement 1967 The Kalahari and Its Lost City repeatedly tells that a dune heap is called a 'mountain', and the void between the permanent dunes a 'street'. Veillet's map does nominate such a dune head from which the environment is spying can become Farani, like Van Vrede), heard the form with suction consonant, represented by his k '. The Foundation Join Namaǃ AWI = 'SPIATIVE' (Rest 1960 DNW 58), 'Belauern' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 31), with the known variation of -W andB- (AWI + AM vs . ABI + AM); The slot member is -am- = mouth, transfer also water location, fountain, Nama am-s. At Mr Engelbrecht's story, one can imagine well how game has been peered to the pan for Law. Mr Boois's statement, just received, put another possibility, but it seems that the local man (Mr Engelbrecht) is the best guide here.

About this item

Alternative Title
Abeam, Abiam
Georeference Sources
K 2720 CB
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Farini 1885 Through the Kalahari Desert 381 'That Night We Arrived At K'abiam Pool, a Large Lake, ... with Large Islands in IT'. (With photo). Veillet S.J. Map 'Abiam, Village'. Dies. 'Abiam head', both at 2720 CB; And several other entries on maps, such as eg. Schultze 1904-5, sonts with leaches as at Vjpert 1893 on 2719 dB. Engelbrecht SJ 1925 HG 29 5 1925 31 'Abiam (Labiant) = Look at the gate [ǃ Abi] = Look, and AMS = port or mouth]. The place got its name during a hunt when a number of Hottentots at ' a gateway here between the dunes for wildlife '. of Vredes 1961 Origin 153' Gordonia, place northeast of post ... Farani 1886 K'Amam ... two statements: Woolbek; Loerepoort. Lg. Not applicable ... ... 'Abeaam = Until the water is there Yet the highest portion of the beast, it's his head. Because I have seen too much in Namaqualand how the animals drink and water, it was my hundred percent correctly. So drink an old donkey or zebra Then so a little, then he picks up his head and waits such a little ... Rise and wait, get up and wait ... 'Booish J 1979 Language Assistant Rolling' Abeaam:ǃ API = Run; AMS = mouth, gate etc. ǃ API-AMS = running mouth / port '.
afr Farini 1885 Through the Kalahari Desert 381 'That night we arrived at K’Abiam Pool, a large lake,...with large islands in it'. (Met foto). Veillet s.j. kaart 'Abiam, Village'. Dies. 'Abiam Kop', albei op 2720 CB; en verskeie ander inskrywings op kaarte, soos nog by bv. Schultze 1904-5, sonts met miswysings soos by Kiepert 1893 op 2719 DB. Engelbrecht SJ 1925 Hg 29 5 1925 31 'Abiam (lAbiant) = loer by die poort [ǃabi] = loer, en ams = poort of mond]. Die plek het sy naam gekry gedurende 'n jag toe ’n klompie Hottentotte by 'n poort hier tussen die duine geloer het vir wild'. Van Vreeden 1961 Oorsprong 153 'Gordonia, plaas noordoos van Na- kop...Farani 1886 K’abeam...Twee verklarings: Wolbek; loerpoort. lg. nie van toepassing nie... Dus: Abeam = wolbek...' Cornelissen AK 1977 Geoloog Gesprek op band 'Daar in Namakwaland het ek dikwels gesien hoedat die donkies water grawe. Hulle grawe mos nie tot in die watervlak nie, hulle grawe net bo-op, tot die water nou daar is. Dan staan wag hulle ’n bietjie, dan suip hulle... Ek het 'n ou ondervra, toe se hy vir my dis die plek van die gebraaide kop. Opkom, jy gaan mos op. Op is tog die hoogste gedeelte van die dier, dis tog sy kop. Omdat ek in Namakwaland te veel gesien het hoedat die diere suip en water grawe, was dit vir my honderd persent korrek. So 'n ou donkie of sebra drink dan so 'n bietjie, dan tel hy sy kop op en wag so ’n bietjie... opkom en wag, opkom en wag...' Boois J 1979 Taalassistent Rondvraag 'Abeam: ǃapi = hardloop; ams = mond, poort ens. ǃApi-ams = Hardloopmond/poort'.
eng Abeaam, so spelled, is the name of farm B 4320/1895 today; It lies on the way of Upington to Huniput (Noenieput). The big pan of Farini (the US Extrovert William Leonard Hunt from New York who has the name of Gilarmi A Farini, indicates in his book as 'K'abiam Pool', later appeared on maps as 'Albion Pan', ' One encourages that Albion will be a deformation of AMEAM, submitted by irrigated patriotic drivers. On Veillet's card there is also an Abiam head, but on the map of the topographical series 1968 Skin 2720 Huniput there are no mountains there. AJ Clement 1967 The Kalahari and Its Lost City repeatedly tells that a dune heap is called a 'mountain', and the void between the permanent dunes a 'street'. Veillet's map does nominate such a dune head from which the environment is spying can become Farani, like Van Vrede), heard the form with suction consonant, represented by his k '. The Foundation Join Namaǃ AWI = 'SPIATIVE' (Rest 1960 DNW 58), 'Belauern' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 31), with the known variation of -W andB- (AWI + AM vs . ABI + AM); The slot member is -am- = mouth, transfer also water location, fountain, Nama am-s. At Mr Engelbrecht's story, one can imagine well how game has been peered to the pan for Law. Mr Boois's statement, just received, put another possibility, but it seems that the local man (Mr Engelbrecht) is the best guide here.
afr Abeam, so gespel, is vandag die naam van plaas B 4320/1895; dit le op die pad van Upington na Huniput (Noenieput). Die groot pan wat Farini (die Amerikaanse ekstrovert William leonard Hunt uit New York wat vir horn die naam van Gilarmi A Farini toegeeien het) in sy boek aandui as 'K'Abiam Pool', verskyn later op kaarte as 'Albion Pan', ’n Mens ver- moed dat Albion 'n vervorming sal wees van Abeam, ingegee deur be- paalde patriotiese dryfvere. Op Veillet se kaart is daar ook ’n Abiamkop, maar op die kaart van die Topografiese reeks 1968 vel 2720 Huniput is daar geen berge daar nie. AJ Clement 1967 The Kalahari and its lost city vertel herhaaldelik dat 'n duinhoop daar 'n 'berg' genoem word, en die leegte tussen die permanente duine 'n 'straat'. Veillet se kaart benoem wel so ’n duintop waarvandaan die omgewing bespied kan word. Die boeiende verklaring van mnr Cornelissen is moeiliker waar te maak uit ons taalmateriaal, die van mnr Engelbrecht is egter oortuigend daarmee te ver- soen. Ons meen m.a.w. dat Engelbrecht se verklaring ook hierdie keer weer die juiste is. Farini (en nie Farani nie, soos by Van Vreeden) het dui- delik die vorm met suigkonsonant gehoor, verteenwoordig deur sy K'. Die grondwoord sluit aan by Nama ǃawi = 'bespionieren' (Rust 1960 DNW 58), 'belauern' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 31), met die bekende variasie van -w- en -b- (Awi + am vs. Abi + am); die slotlid is -am- = mond, oordragtelik ook waterplek, fontein, Nama am-s. By mnr Engelbrecht se verhaal kan mens jou goed voorstel hoe op wild geloer is wat juis na die pan vir laafnis gekom het. Mnr Boois se verklaring, pas ontvang, stel nog n moontlikheid aan die orde, maar dit kom ons voor dat die plaaslike man (mnr Engelbrecht) hier die beste gids is.
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