
A hybrid name, afr. -Put and Nama ǀ Huni- = Witgatboom, also called coffee forest. Over Exchange ǀ H-Uni and N-Oenie View Nonikam, also for other facts about the ǀ Huni. 'The well at the ǀ Huni tree'. It is a police station and post office, Dist. Gordonia.

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K 2720 CA
Measurement Accuracy
12.5 km radius
eng PNK 1941 'Nooiut, Dist. Upington '. Give the following spellings of the first element: Gcoenie, Noinie and Chief, all with suction sounds reproduced by C and T, next to it. It is described as 'the white hole' or as 'a certain kind of berry forest that grows in the perimeter', viz. of Upington. The magistrate adds: 'There was water found on the farm at a non-boom, and that way, the farm got the name of Noenieput. The well was dug at the nonion '.
afr PNK 1941 'Noenieput, dist. Upington'. Gee die volgende spellings van die eerste element: gcoenie-, ncoenie en tjoenie, almal met suigklanke weergegee deur c en t, daarnaas noenie. Dit word beskryf as 'die witgatboom' of as '’n seker soort bessiebos wat in die omtrek groei', nl. van Upington. Die magistraat voeg by: 'Daar was water gevind op die plaas by ’n Noenieboom, en op die manier het die plaas die naam gekry van Noenieput. Die put was gegrawe by die Noenieboom'.
eng A hybrid name, afr. -Put and Nama ǀ Huni- = Witgatboom, also called coffee forest. Over Exchange ǀ H-Uni and N-Oenie View Nonikam, also for other facts about the ǀ Huni. 'The well at the ǀ Huni tree'. It is a police station and post office, Dist. Gordonia.
afr ’n Hibridiese naam, Afr. -put en Nama ǀhuni- = witgatboom, ook koffiebos genoem. Oor wisseling ǀh-uni en n-oenie kyk NONIKAM, ook vir ander feite oor die ǀhuni-. 'Die put by die ǀhuni-boom'. Dit is ’n polisiestasie en poskantoor, dist. Gordonia.
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