
It is today the complex farms spelled Zwartmerd B 4313/1895 and adjacent north-western black mud 6233/53, both located on K 2720 DC / 2820 AB for LG., And 2820 BA for E.G. In modern spell it would be in Nama: ╪NU ╪goab. In this dry world, mud names are often characteristic enough for nomination.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
K 2720/2820
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Swartmodder)
eng Engelbrecht SJ 1925 HG 29 5 1925 31 'In recent years, many of the farm names have been predicted, and some have also literally translated ...ǃ Nu-Dwab ... is now translated into black fodder'.
afr Engelbrecht SJ 1925 Hg 29 5 1925 31 'In die laaste jare is daar al baie van die plaasname verdoop, en party ook letterlik vertaal...ǃ nou vertaal in Swartmodder'.
eng It is today the complex farms spelled Zwartmerd B 4313/1895 and adjacent north-western black mud 6233/53, both located on K 2720 DC / 2820 AB for LG., And 2820 BA for E.G. In modern spell it would be in Nama: ╪NU ╪goab. In this dry world, mud names are often characteristic enough for nomination.
afr Dit is vandag die kompleks plase gespel Zwartmodder B 4313/1895 en daaraan grensend noordwestelik Swartmodder 6233/53, albei geleë op K 2720 DC/2820 AB vir lg., en 2820 BA vir e.g. In moderne spelling sou dit in Nama lui: ╪Nu- ╪goab. In hierdie droë wêreld is moddername dikwels kenmerkend genoeg vir benoeming.
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