
We believe Hahn's namafilic sentimentality once again took a run with him. The 'Liebestod' gets a musical resonance as we remember that Wagner's Tristan Und Isolde was already populer in Germany (first performance 1865). In his card, Hahn writes the first member with a den- languages, in his book with ' a lateral suction consonant, LG. Apparently to bind it with Nama ǀǀ A = 'Lieben, Zuneigung Empfinden' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 18), along with ǀǀ 5-B = 'Der Tod' (Aid . 320), so that he can romanticise. Christian gives a probability statement (for his first member look at the chance of unsepana, di ǀ Kha, for the second cf. Namaǃ (K) OS = bone pipe). We believe that Mr Christian the first component wrong, but correctly the second component, the word is defaced here. AOS was a tension at a source in the old days, viz. on the road from Karasburg to Aroab, and was located on The Back River. On exactly that Kor- relate today the farm Platt bone No. 300. Platt bone is a literal translation of the old AOS, as it occurs, and goes to Back on a pronunciation with other suction consonants as given by Dr Hahn (all notes with clap sounds are from him or to his card). Then maybe as Nama ╪ (h) am, heard as ╪a = 'flatt (niedrig)', and ╪ (kh) os = 'knochen' (Rust 1960 DNW 48 and 35), with the KH globalize, which is a Very frequent phenomenon.

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Georeference Sources
S 2719
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50 km radius
Notes about Name
ou naam van Plattbeen
Name in Khoekhoe or Nama
eng Hahn Th 1879 map 'ǀ A- ǀǀ Os', Strain to the ╪Goub (or Back River). Veillet S.J. Map 'A OS', Post Office at 2719 BA. Vipert 1893 card as at Hahn. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'AOS', source, all on the same grade square. Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni ǀǀ Goam 24 '... Sentimental Feelings Seem to Be as Characteristic of them as of the Writers of Fashionable Novels Now-a-Days. 11a- ǀ ǀ OS, 'DYING FROM LOVE', HAS PROBABLY BEN THE SCENE OF A VERY TRATICAL LOVE AFFAIR '. Christian M 1974 Driver Conversation 'ǀ A- ǀǀ OS is orange pipe'.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'ǀA-ǀǀos', uitspanning aan die ╪Goub (of Backrivier). Veillet s.j. kaart 'A os', poskantoor op 2719 BA. Kiepert 1893 kaart soos by Hahn. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Aos', bron, almal op dieselfde graadvierkant. Hahn Th 1881 Tsuni-ǀǀGoam 24 '...sentimental feelings seem to be as characteristic of them as of the writers of fashionable novels now-a-days. 11A-ǀ ǀos, ‘Dying from love’, has probably been the scene of a very tragical love affair'. Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek 'ǀA-ǀǀos is lemoenpyp'.
eng Paymenten.
afr Platbeen
eng We believe Hahn's namafilic sentimentality once again took a run with him. The 'Liebestod' gets a musical resonance as we remember that Wagner's Tristan Und Isolde was already populer in Germany (first performance 1865). In his card, Hahn writes the first member with a den- languages, in his book with ' a lateral suction consonant, LG. Apparently to bind it with Nama ǀǀ A = 'Lieben, Zuneigung Empfinden' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 18), along with ǀǀ 5-B = 'Der Tod' (Aid . 320), so that he can romanticise. Christian gives a probability statement (for his first member look at the chance of unsepana, di ǀ Kha, for the second cf. Namaǃ (K) OS = bone pipe). We believe that Mr Christian the first component wrong, but correctly the second component, the word is defaced here. AOS was a tension at a source in the old days, viz. on the road from Karasburg to Aroab, and was located on The Back River. On exactly that Kor- relate today the farm Platt bone No. 300. Platt bone is a literal translation of the old AOS, as it occurs, and goes to Back on a pronunciation with other suction consonants as given by Dr Hahn (all notes with clap sounds are from him or to his card). Then maybe as Nama ╪ (h) am, heard as ╪a = 'flatt (niedrig)', and ╪ (kh) os = 'knochen' (Rust 1960 DNW 48 and 35), with the KH globalize, which is a Very frequent phenomenon.
afr Ons meen dat Hahn se Namafiliese sentimentaliteit hier weer ’n keer met horn 'n lopie geneem het. Die 'liebestod' kry somaar 'n musikale resonansie as ons onthou dat Wagner se Tristan und Isolde reeds populer in Duitsland was (eerste opvoering 1865). In sy kaart skryf Hahn die eerste lid met ’n den- tale, in sy boek met ’n laterale suigkonsonant, lg. klaarblyklik om dit te ver- bind met Nama ǀǀa = 'lieben, Zuneigung empfinden' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 18), saam met ǀǀ5-b = 'der Tod' (aid. 320), sodat hy kan romantiseer. Christian gee ’n waarskynlikheidsverklaring (vir sy eerste lid kyk na die -kans van ONSEEPKANS, d.i. ǀkha-, vir die tweede vgl. Nama ǃ(k)o-s = beenpyp). Ons meen dat mnr Christian die eerste komponent verkeerd, maar die tweede komponent korrek geldentifiseer het, die woord is hier gedevelariseer. Aos was ’n uitspanning by ’n bron in die ou dae gewees, nl. aan die pad van Karasburg na Aroab, en was geleë aan die Backrivier. Op presies daardie kor- relaat le vandag die plaas Plattbeen nr 300. Plattbeen is ’n letterlike vertaling van die ou Aos, soos dit ons voorkom, en gaan terug op ’n uitspraak met ander suigkonsonante as wat deur dr Hahn aangegee is (alle optekeninge met klapklanke is van horn of na sy kaart). Dan miskien soos Nama ╪(h)am, gehoor as ╪a = 'platt (niedrig)', en ╪(kh)o-s = 'Knochen' (Rust 1960 DNW 48 en 35), met die kh- geglottaliseer, wat 'n heel frekwente verskynsel is.
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