
Located at the Geiab, North West of Ariamsvley. Hahn, veillet and veillet, again choose the 'rhino' (Nama Inaba), but the introduction to the naming of this farm is the Terfezia Pfeilii or wild. See more Nabas 2418 for the appropriate sections.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2719
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hahn 1879 map 'Inabas', spending to the geiab, dies, at village 1893 card and veillet s.j. map. Spreadbox 1904 Kriegsk 'Nabas', source, all on given grade square. Visser AJ 1973 Farmer Questionnaire 'Nabas, Farm No. 61, Dist. Karasburg, nearest PK. is Ariamsvley. Means' wild art apple, of Tjaba, Nama for wild art apple because it grows there if it rains during February and March '.
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart ' INabas', uitspanning aan die Geiab, Dies, by Kiepert 1893 kaart en Veillet s.j. kaart. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Nabas', bron, almal op gegewe graadvierkant. Visser AJ 1973 Boer Vraelys 'Nabas, plaas nr 61, dist. Karasburg, naaste pk. is Ariamsvley. Beteken ‘Wilde artappel’, van tjaba, Nama vir wilde-artappel, omdat dit daar groei as dit reent gedurende Februarie en Maart'.
eng Located at the Geiab, North West of Ariamsvley. Hahn, veillet and veillet, again choose the 'rhino' (Nama Inaba), but the introduction to the naming of this farm is the Terfezia Pfeilii or wild. See more Nabas 2418 for the appropriate sections.
afr geleë aan die Geiab, noordwes van Ariamsvley. Hahn, Kiepert en Veillet kies tot grondslag weer die 'renoster' (Nama Inaba-), maar die aanleiding tot die naamgewing van hierdie plaas is die Terfezia pfeilii of wildeartappel. Kyk verder NABAS 2418 vir die toepaslike gedeeltes.
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