Nabes (Nabis)

Mr. Niederheitmann thinks ǀǀ NaBa = there, but the testimonies from early on explicitly heard the cerebral suction consonant and it excludes his distraction. Mr Christian tie down the name to Namaǃ Na = 'Leechten' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 278), but the farm name contains no indication of a nasal vowel in the records from early on. Besides the suction consonant we do not help. You can only guess. Perhaps from Namaǃ Na-B = 'The Grosse, Riesenschildreskrote' (Kr. Signalize? Or did the nomination have something to do withǃ Na-B in the sense of 'stomach, belly'? This applies here No. 31, Dist. Karasburg, located at the top of the Gaib, northeast of Karasburg, once an important site that considered the Rhine mission for an outdoor station, watch Weber in the quellen band 8

About this item

Nabes (Nabis)
Alternative Title
Nabes (Nabis)
Georeference Sources
S 2719
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Weber FW 1867 QUELEN 8 1 'AUF INABES IM GEEDABFLUS ...', and in various places like here, but also written + Naves, read asǃ Naven. Hahn th 1879 map 'nabis', throwing to the ' Grade square as mentioned. Wandres C 1887 . ' Christian M 1974 Driver Conversation '
afr Weber FW 1867 Quellen 8 1 'Auf INabes im Geinabfluss...', en op verskeie plekke soos hier, maar ook geskryf +Nabes, te lees as ǃNabes. Hahn Th 1879 kaart ' ǃNabis', uitspanning aan die 'Gei-ǃab R.', so ook by Kiepert 1893 kaart. Veillet s.j. kaart 'INabis. Village'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Nabis', bron, almal op graadvierkant soos genoem. Wandres C 1887 Quellen 9 42 'INabis ist ein schoner Platz mit etwa 30 als Station geeigneter als Warmbad'. Niederheitmann AO 1974 Rustende Boer Vraelys 'Nabes (Nabis), plaas, beteken ‘Daardie Plek’.' Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek ' ǃNabes: waar die Khoen op die rant gekom het, kom die son toe net op Toe se hulle: hier le die lig voor'.
eng Mr. Niederheitmann thinks ǀǀ NaBa = there, but the testimonies from early on explicitly heard the cerebral suction consonant and it excludes his distraction. Mr Christian tie down the name to Namaǃ Na = 'Leechten' (Kr.- R. 1969 NW 278), but the farm name contains no indication of a nasal vowel in the records from early on. Besides the suction consonant we do not help. You can only guess. Perhaps from Namaǃ Na-B = 'The Grosse, Riesenschildreskrote' (Kr. Signalize? Or did the nomination have something to do withǃ Na-B in the sense of 'stomach, belly'? This applies here No. 31, Dist. Karasburg, located at the top of the Gaib, northeast of Karasburg, once an important site that considered the Rhine mission for an outdoor station, watch Weber in the quellen band 8
afr Mnr Niederheitmann dink aan ǀǀnaba = daar, maar die getuienisse van vroeg af het uitdruklik die serebrale suigkonsonant gehoor en dit sluit sy afleiding uit. Mnr Christian knoop die naam vas aan Nama ǃna = 'leuchten' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 278), maar die plaasnaam bevat van vroeg af geen aanduiding van ’n nasale klinker in die optekeninge nie. Behalwe die suigkonsonant kry ons geen hulp nie. Mens kan dus net raai. Miskien van Nama ǃna-b = 'die grosse, Riesenschildkrote' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 278), plus -bi- om te se dat dit 'n pleknaam is, met uitgang -s wat bepaaldelik 'n bron of waterplek signaleer? Of het die benoeming iets te doen gehad met ǃna-b in die sin van 'maag, buik'? Dit geld hier plaas nr 31, dist. Karasburg, geleë aan die bolope van die Gaiab, noordoos van Karasburg, eens op ’n tyd ’n belangrike werf wat die Rynse Sending vir 'n buitestasie oorweeg het, kyk Weber in die Quellen band 8
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