Garub, Garub(-Oos)

The quarter clippings are in Nama ǀǀ guru and come in many place names. The member gu- i.p.v. Ga - in the name makes a lot of doubt about the given statement; Maybe it should be explained like Garub 2417? Otherwise can be thought of ǀ Garu- = water hats, such as Garub 2516? To this Garub also lies a Garub East in which it is divided. The situation is at the upper of the Gaiba.

About this item

Garub, Garub(-Oos)
Alternative Title
Garub, Garub(-Oos)
Georeference Sources
S 2718
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Du Plooy Estra 1974 Housewife Questionnaire 'Garub, Farm No 266, Dist. Karasburg, located approx. 80 km northernmost from Karasburg. Means 'white quarter-sine rocks'. This white quartzite was used as a fire clip at the old-fashioned tond box and fire. Garubklippies come a lot on the farm '.
afr Du Plooy Estra 1974 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Garub, plaas nr 266, dist. Karasburg, geleë ong. 80 km noordnoordoos van Karasburg af. Beteken ‘Wit kwart- sietklippies’. Hierdie wit kwartsiet is gebruik as ’n vuurklip by die outydse tondeldoos en vuurslag. Garubklippies kom baie op die plaas voor'.
eng The quarter clippings are in Nama ǀǀ guru and come in many place names. The member gu- i.p.v. Ga - in the name makes a lot of doubt about the given statement; Maybe it should be explained like Garub 2417? Otherwise can be thought of ǀ Garu- = water hats, such as Garub 2516? To this Garub also lies a Garub East in which it is divided. The situation is at the upper of the Gaiba.
afr Die kwartsklippies is in Nama ǀǀguru- en kom in baie plekname voor. Die lid gu- i.p.v. ga- in die naam laat heelwat twyfel oor die gegewe verklaring ont- staan; miskien moet dit tog maar verklaar word soos GARUB 2417? Anders kan gedink word aan ǀǀgaru- = waterkolke, soos by GARUB 2516? Aan hierdie Garub le ook ’n Garub-Oos waarin dit verdeel is. Die situering is aan die boloop van die Gaiab.
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