
The -s locates a source, as originally here too. Earlier it was a tension and a node of roads (Kriegskarte) at the Bolope of the Homm River, northern Karasburg and south of the Karas Mountains. Now carry farm No 67 Dist. Karasburg Another name, spelled geiss. Messrs Steenkamp and Christian know the farm. They were not aware of the sucking consonant as at Hahn E.A. not. That it matches, make their statements well accepted in this respect. This means, as we understand it, originally, the 'fountain at the damming', according to the one, and 'Pofader (fountain)' according to Mr Steenkamp, ​​the owner, the statement .i. the preference earned. From other place names we know that puffers have occurred there many.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2718
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Hahn Th 1879 map 'ǃ Geis', Strain to him ('Huom'). Vipert 1893 map 'IEis', the same at Veillet S.j. map. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gais', Source. Steenkamp JGS 1974 Boer questionnaire 'Geis, place [No. 67], Dist. Karasburg. Means 'Pofader hose'; Here many puffers had to be in the Hom River, the river runs through the farm '. Christian M 1974 Driver Conversion 'Igeis ... The one river comes here and the one river comes there ... Now they made a dam. Now the river does not get through the water, now they say the water is geneǃ Gei, he is now blocked from both rivers, the water does not pass there, they stopped him, he was geneǃ Gei. .. '
afr Hahn Th 1879 kaart ' ǃGeis', uitspanning aan Horn ('Huom'). Kiepert 1893 kaart ' IGeis', dieselfde by Veillet s.j. kaart. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Gais', bron. Steenkamp JGS 1974 Boer Vraelys 'Geis, plaas [nr 67], dist. Karasburg. Beteken ‘Pofadderslang’; hier moes baie pofadders in die Homrivier gewees het, die rivier loop deur die plaas'. Christian M 1974 Drywer Gesprek ' IGeis...Die een rivier kom hierso en die een rivier kom daarso...nou het hulle ’n dam gemaak. Nou kry die rivier nie die water deur nie, nou se hulle die water is ge-ǃgei, hy is nou beblok van altwee riviere, die water kom nie daar verby nie, hulle het vir horn gekeer, hy is ge-ǃgei...'
eng The -s locates a source, as originally here too. Earlier it was a tension and a node of roads (Kriegskarte) at the Bolope of the Homm River, northern Karasburg and south of the Karas Mountains. Now carry farm No 67 Dist. Karasburg Another name, spelled geiss. Messrs Steenkamp and Christian know the farm. They were not aware of the sucking consonant as at Hahn E.A. not. That it matches, make their statements well accepted in this respect. This means, as we understand it, originally, the 'fountain at the damming', according to the one, and 'Pofader (fountain)' according to Mr Steenkamp, ​​the owner, the statement .i. the preference earned. From other place names we know that puffers have occurred there many.
afr Die -s lokativeer ’n bron, soos oorspronklik ook hier. vroeër was dit ’n uitspanning en ’n knooppunt van paaie (Kriegskarte) aan die boloop van die Homrivier, noordelik van Karasburg geleë en suidelik van die Karasberge. Nou dra plaas nr 67 dist. Karasburg nog die naam, gespel Geis. Mnre Steenkamp en Christian ken die plaas. Hulle was nie bewus van die suigkonsonant soos by Hahn e.a. nie. Dat dit ooreenstem, maak hulle verklarings in die opsig goed aanneemlik. Dit beteken dan, soos ons dit verstaan, oorspronklik, die 'Fontein by die opdamming', volgens die een, en 'Pofad- der(fontein)' volgens mnr Steenkamp, die eienaar, die verklaring wat o.i. die voorkeur verdien. Uit ander plekname daar weet ons dat pofadders daar baie voorgekom het.
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