
About the member -ko- - is no doubt accordingly, it is like Nama khoe- = man, and with -b = man, with-and specific woman. However, the - is not female, the main function here is to indicate place, see the farm, vaginally and valued. The first member has a sound boost that reminds of Nama ╪nu = Black, though, it is here as Namaǃ Now [ǃ Nau] = 'Dickieibig, Dick (signal)' (Kr.- Also recorded by Mr Krenz FK. Then it fully corresponds to the communication of the owner of the farm. So: The 'farm (-s) where the thick (ǃ Nau) or large march. (khoe) remains'. Agreement with NOW (for = black) is coincidental.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2718/2719
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Du Plooy SJ 1973 Housewife Questionnaire 'Nukois, farm 269, district Karasburg, 80 km northeast of town. Mean 'big boss', because the first owner was physically a great man. Information from Namas '.
afr Du Plooy SJ 1973 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Nukois, plaas 269, distrik Karasburg, 80 km noordoos van dorp. Beteken ‘Grootbaas’, omdat die eerste eienaar fisies ’n groot man was. Inligting van Namas'.
eng About the member -ko- - is no doubt accordingly, it is like Nama khoe- = man, and with -b = man, with-and specific woman. However, the - is not female, the main function here is to indicate place, see the farm, vaginally and valued. The first member has a sound boost that reminds of Nama ╪nu = Black, though, it is here as Namaǃ Now [ǃ Nau] = 'Dickieibig, Dick (signal)' (Kr.- Also recorded by Mr Krenz FK. Then it fully corresponds to the communication of the owner of the farm. So: The 'farm (-s) where the thick (ǃ Nau) or large march. (khoe) remains'. Agreement with NOW (for = black) is coincidental.
afr Oor die lid -koi- is hiervolgens wel geen twyfel nie, dit is soos Nama khoe- = mens, en met -b = man, met -s spesifiek vroumens. Die -s is hier egter nie vroulik nie, die hooffunksie hier is om plek aan te dui, die plaas, vaginaal ge- sien en gewaardeer. Die eerste lid het 'n klankbousel wat aan Nama ╪nu = swart laat dink, dit is egter hier soos Nama ǃnou [ǃnau] = 'dickieibig, dick (sein)' (Kr.-R. 1969 NW 300), soos ook deur mnr Krenz FK aangeteken is. Dan stem dit volledig ooreen met die mededeling van die eienares van die plaas. Dus: die ‘Plaas (-s) waar die dik (ǃnau) of groot mar. (khoe-) bly'. Ooreenkoms met Nu (vir = swart) is toevallig.
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