
Farm Tsawisis No 106 is now on S718 to subdivisions. Statement as above, also see relevant sections of Tsawisis 2215. The older forms at Alexander and on Krikriekarte, often documented, are interesting. Current spelling is 'modernized'.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2718 (2717)
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Alexander 1836 Edia 1 220 'Lord on the Banks of the Cape River, a Branch of the Great River ... at the Place Called ChubeShees (Black Ebony)', on S 2718. Hahn th 1879 card 'Tsawisis', S 2717 / 18. Same at village 1893 card and veillet s.j. Map, S 2717 BD. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tsawisis (Tschubicis)', Source on 2717 BD. Louw JJ 1974 Boer questionnaire 'Tsawisis, 36 km northwest of Grizinu around railway line Small Karas, consisting of 6 homes (3 of Railways), a store and a station building. Originally a very large farm that has been turned into surrounding farms over time, consequently, here are quite a few farms in the area that contain parts of the original Tsawisis. So named after the sabbian trees that stood earlier here but almost extinct. Tsawi is the naman for a kind of kareboom calling the whites Sabbie tree ... Information of Old Piet, and confirmed by Mr WG Myburgh '.
afr Alexander 1836 EDIA 1 220 'Here on the banks of the Kaap River, a branch of the Great River...at the place called Chubeeshees (black ebony)', op S 2718. Hahn Th 1879 kaart 'Tsawisis', S 2717/18. Dieselfde by Kiepert 1893 kaart en Veillet s.j. kaart, S 2717 BD. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Tsawisis (Tschubischis)', bron op 2717 BD. louw JJ 1974 Boer Vraelys 'Tsawisis, 36 km noordwes van Griinau rondom spoorwegsylyn Klein Karas, wat bestaan uit 6 woonhuise (3 van spoorwee), ’n winkel en 'n stasiegebou. Oorspronklik ’n baie groot plaas wat mettertyd by omliggende plase aangesny is, gevolglik is hier ’n hele paar plase in die omgewing wat dele van die oorspronklike Tsawisis bevat. So genoem na die Sabbiebome wat vroeër volop hier gestaan het maar byna uitgesterf het. Tsawi is die Namanaam vir ’n soort kareeboom wat die Blankes Sab- bieboom noem...Inligting van Ou Piet, en bevestig deur mnr WG Myburgh'.
eng Farm Tsawisis No 106 is now on S718 to subdivisions. Statement as above, also see relevant sections of Tsawisis 2215. The older forms at Alexander and on Krikriekarte, often documented, are interesting. Current spelling is 'modernized'.
afr Plaas Tsawisis nr 106 is nou op S 2718 na onderverdelings. Verklaring soos hierbo, kyk ook tersaaklike gedeeltes van TSAWISIS 2215. Die ouer vorms by Alexander en op Kriegskarte, dikwels gedokumenteer, is interessant. Huidige spelling is 'gemoderniseer'.
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