
Located on the pull south of the Karas Mountains on given grade square. Vipert's return makes sure he declares the name as 'Brak' or 'Bitterfontein', at Nama ǀ U = Brak, here for the taste of the spring water, because the - usually lecture a fountain name, also here, to We suspect. As an Appendix: The Krikriekarte 1904 mentions another 'US' on S 2818, but we do not get any help over the Schnalz.

About this item

Alternative Title
Georeference Sources
S 2718
Measurement Accuracy
50 km radius
eng Vice 1893 map 'ǀ us'. Sprigade Misel 1904 Kriegsk 'US', source.
afr Kiepert 1893 kaart 'ǀUs'. Sprigade-Moisel 1904 Kriegsk 'Us', bron.
eng Located on the pull south of the Karas Mountains on given grade square. Vipert's return makes sure he declares the name as 'Brak' or 'Bitterfontein', at Nama ǀ U = Brak, here for the taste of the spring water, because the - usually lecture a fountain name, also here, to We suspect. As an Appendix: The Krikriekarte 1904 mentions another 'US' on S 2818, but we do not get any help over the Schnalz.
afr geleë aan die trekpad suid van die Karasberge op gegewe graadvierkant. Kiepert se opgawe maak dit seker dat hy die naam verklaar as 'Brak-' of 'Bitterfontein', by Nama ǀu = brak, hier vir die smaak van die fonteinwater, omdat die -s gewoonlik ’n fonteinnaam lokativeer, ook hier, na ons vermoed. As aanhangsel: die Kriegskarte 1904 noem nog ’n 'Us' op S 2818, maar dan kry ons geen hulp oor die schnalz nie.
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