
Component parts are accordingly: SU- = pot (Rust 1960 DNW 61), the S- written as Z- according to German sound approach, plus Khoa = to break (Rust Aid. 12), with an exit -s that can also say that it is a place. So: The 'place (-s) where the pot (SU) broke (at Khoa) '. The type of pot is a distraction or tradition, it could, according to the oldest recording (1626), have been an ostrich eggdown, cf. Hott 263.

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S 2718
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50 km radius
eng Blaauw HM 1974 Housewife Questionnaire 'Zukous, Farm No. 92, District Keet- Men Hope. Means 'pot break'. The Namas drew with pack donations, the packs fell off and the three-legged pots broke, hence the name, by some pronounced tjoukous '. The same of JJ Louw 1974 questionnaire.
afr Blaauw HM 1974 Huisvrou Vraelys 'Zukous, plaas nr 92, distrik Keet- manshoop. Beteken ‘Pot breek’. Die Namas het met pakdonkies getrek, die pakke het afgeval en die driebeenpotte het gebreek, vandaar die naam, deur sommige uitgespreek Tjoukous'. Dieselfde van JJ louw 1974 Vraelys.
eng Component parts are accordingly: SU- = pot (Rust 1960 DNW 61), the S- written as Z- according to German sound approach, plus Khoa = to break (Rust Aid. 12), with an exit -s that can also say that it is a place. So: The 'place (-s) where the pot (SU) broke (at Khoa) '. The type of pot is a distraction or tradition, it could, according to the oldest recording (1626), have been an ostrich eggdown, cf. Hott 263.
afr Samestellende dele is hiervolgens: su- = pot (Rust 1960 DNW 61), die s- geskryf as z- volgens Duitse klankbenadering, plus khoa = om te breek (Rust aid. 12), met ’n uitgang -s wat ook kan se dat dit ’n plek is. Dus: die ‘Plek (-s) waar die pot (su-) gebreek het (by khoa)'. Die soort pot is 'n afleiding of oorlewering, dit kon, volgens die oudste optekening (1626), ’n volstruiseierdop gewees het, vgl. HOTT 263.
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